- Office助手的新变化? What happened to the Office Assistant?
- 当“Office助手”旁出现黄色的灯泡时,表明有提示。 A tip is available when a yellow light bulb appears next to the Office Assistant.
- 浅析近来朝鲜经济发展理论与政策出现的新变化及其走势 A Brief Analysis of the New Changes and the Orientation of North Korean Theory and Policies of Economic Development
- 要不是我的朋友罗伯特愿意做我的得力助手的话,我可能永远也开不了业。 I could never have started this business if my friend Robert had not been willing to act as my man Friday.
- 始料不及的新变化 I Don't Think of So Much Changes
- 助手 helper
- 晚清盐政的新变化分析 An Analysis of the New Change of Salt Policy in the Late Qing Dynast
- 一项旨在推出新产品的广告计划;一项候选人的政治计划 An advertising campaign for a new product; a candidate's political campaign.
- 由于薪酬增加而达成协议,她同意承担总经理助手的工作。 The offer of more money clinched it for her. She agree to undertake the job as the assistant to the managing director.
- MMS系统技术特点及所带来的新变化 Technical Features of MMS System and Its New Changs
- 他的经历经过我的助手的整理编排,使我产生了莫大的兴趣。 I was intrigued by his story, which was pieced together by my assistant.
- 在几个助手的帮助下,他能够照应无家可归和天资差的孩子们。 With the help of a few assistants he was able to care for homeless and backward children
- 俄美首脑互访与俄美关系的新变化 The Mutual Visits of the Heads of Russia and America and the New Change of Their Relationship
- 掌管财务的人在助手的帮助和唆使下,挪用了公司的基金参见同义词 The treasurer, aided and abetted by an assistant, misappropriated company funds.See also Synonyms atprovoke
- 社会新变化 Social New Change
- 气候变化的新认识 New Knowledges on Global Climate Change
- 如果没有我的两名助手的帮助,我决不可能获得这个奖。"她谦逊地说。 I'd never have won the prize without the help of my two assistants.
- 东南亚形势的新变化 New Changes in Southeast Asia
- 辅助律师业务的,律师助手的属于、有关或是经过专门培训来辅助律师的人的 Of,relating to,or being a person with specialized training who assists an attorney.
- 资本主义新变化 New changes in the Capitalism