- Office套餐 Office set
- 套餐不会花那么多时间。 The set course will not take as much time.
- 套餐化 "set mealization"
- 每款套餐均赠送两杯香槟或红酒、克力、瑰、情人节卡片。 Includes two glass of champagne or wine and chocolate rose with card.
- 我们备有套餐,也可以用点菜的。 We have set courses and also a la carte dishes.
- 我推荐您点十人的的套餐。 I would recommend that you order a set course for 10 persons.
- 我们吃套餐好吗? Shall we have the set menu?
- 儿童猪排套餐 Pork chop package meal for children
- 一份炸鸡套餐 A set of fried chicken
- 我们有套餐及点菜式的菜单。 We have both set courses and an a la carte menu.
- 红烩牛肉套餐 Stewed Beef With Brown Sauce Set
- 泡椒双鱿套餐 Deep-fried squid with hot pepper set meal
- “套餐医嘱” a set of doctor' s order
- 你是吃点菜还是套餐? Would you like a la carte or table d'hote?
- 电讯服务-套餐篇 Subscription to telecommunication services - bundle
- 小剂量药物套餐与硝苯地平控释片治疗原发性高血压的疗效比较 Comparing low dose of basic medicine set menu with Nifedipine GITS Tablet to treat primary hypertension
- 牛肉蛋卷包饭套餐 Omelet hashed beef sauce set
- 女性婚前检查套餐 Pre-Marital Health Check-Up Package for Women
- 多加4元,你可以换成特大号套餐。 You can super-size your meal for only 4 yuan.
- 中国宝宝健康套餐 Chinese baby health set meal