- OLE控件定制技术探索 The customization of OLE controls
- OLE控件 OLE controls
- ActiveX控件(原来为OLE控件)是具有扩展接口的ActiveX对象,扩展接口使ActiveX控件的行为类似于Microsoft Windows控件。 An ActiveX control (formerly OLE control) is an ActiveX object with an extended interface that lets it behave like a control for Microsoft Windows.
- 我买了几件定制的家具 I bought some articles of custom-made furniture.
- 大批量定制技术 batch customization technique
- 运用计算机信息网络技术探索建立"打防控"管理机制 Exploration in Setting up a "Cracking-Preventing-Controlling" Mechanism with the Technology of Computer Information Network
- 延迟制造:供应链管理下的大规模定制技术 Postponed Manufacturing:a Mass Customization Technology under the Supply Chain Management
- 大批量定制技术在GIS控制系统设计中的应用及推广 Mass Customization for GIS Control System Design
- 树控件 Tree control
- VB控件 VB control
- VFP控件 VFP controls
- 控件源码 The source of zlib ocx control, WINDOWS
- 编辑控件 WYSIWYG HTML Editor and DHTML Edit Control Demo
- ADO控件 ADO Control
- ADC控件 Advance Data Control
- TComm控件 TComm
- 扩展控件 The Expansion Controls
- 容器控件 The vessel controls
- Timer控件 Timer
- VB6.0控件 VB6.0 controlling element