- Northwest Mounted Police 加拿大西北部骑警队
- A member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. 骑警队员加拿大皇家骑警队员
- Mounted police were brought in to maintain law and order. 骑警队被叫来维持治安。
- The demonstrators were scattered by the mounted police. 游行队伍让马队给冲散了。
- At the west end of Nanking Road mounted police patrols galloped through the traffic and the crowds in a flurry of flying hooves and foam-flecked bits. 南京路西端,俗名泥城桥的一带,骑巡队的高头大马在车辆与行人中间奋蹄振鬣,有时嘴里还喷着白沫。
- Very few people have actually seen the police horses, despite all the ballyhoo the mounted police received from the press. 当初炒的火热的骑警队,相信真正看过的民众应该是少之又少。
- On one trip up the highway, I came upon the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and several wreckers winching the remains of a semi2) up the steep cliff. 有一次, 我驱车行驶在那条公路上时遇见皇家加拿大骑警队, 几辆救援车正从悬崖下吊起一台半挂车的残骸。
- In 1968 a peaceful civil rights demonstration in Northern Ireland was the Royal Mounted Police (RUC) to suppress the violence, set off a series of riots. 1968年一场和平的民权游行遭到北爱尔兰皇家骑警队(RUC)的暴力镇压,掀起一连串的暴乱事件。
- The highlight was a gala dinner during which a special ceremony was held to farewell a contingent of Royal Canadian Mounted Police who had been invited to take part in a Lunar New Year (Year of the Bull) parade in Hong Kong. 活动最精彩的部分,是举行一个盛大晚宴,期间进行一个特别的仪式,向加拿大皇家骑警一支分队告别;这支队伍曾应邀来港参加农历新年(牛年)的贺岁巡游。
- the system of the royal Canadian mounted police 加拿大皇家骑警制度
- They denounced him to the police as a criminal. 他们向警方告发他是罪犯。
- It's flight No.104, northwest orient airlines. 是西北航空公司的104号班机。
- There is a large hilly area in the northwest. 西北部有一大片丘陵地带。
- The climbers mounted higher and higher. 攀登者越爬越高。
- colloquial term for a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. 对加拿大皇室骑警的口语称呼。
- It's many years since Mount Vesuvius last erupted. 维苏威火山上一次喷发至今已有很多年了。
- The police hustled the tramps into the patrol car. 警察将那些流浪者强行推入巡逻车中。
- The town is northwest of Washington, D.C. 该镇位於首都华盛顿西北。
- He was mounted on a black horse. 他骑着一匹黑色的马。
- The police are responsible for the enforcement of the law. 警察负责执法。