- non - governmental institutions of higher learning 民办高校
- Unlike New York, it is a capital city, spawning governmental institutions and corporate bureaucracies. 不像纽约;伦敦作为首都;政府机构和官僚社团都汇集在这里.
- Being directorship secretary in a listing company, with rich working experience in dealing with governmental institutions and corporate clients. 长期担任上市公司董秘工作;在政府机构和公司客户方面具有丰富的工作经验;
- In fact, tax competition is governmental institution competition. 税收竞争实际上是政府的制度竞争。
- The Party and government institutions should remain honest and clean. 党政机关要廉洁。
- We will accelerate reforms of county and township government institutions. 加快推进县乡机构等配套改革。
- The organization of regional and national workshops for training purposes and awareness-raising among politicians,legislative bodies and other governmental institutions is a major focus of the waterrelated agenda of regional commissions in 2003. 为培训目的和提高政治家、立法机关和其他政府机构间的认识,举办区域和国家讲习班是2003 年联合国各区域委员会与水有关议程的一大重点。
- Minister of China's State Economic and Trade Commission , Sheng Huaren, said the Chinese army and other governmental institutions will soon fully break off ties with their subordinate enterprises. 中国国家经济贸易委员会负责人盛华仁表示,中国军队和其他一些政府部门将在近期内完全脱离对下属企业公司的控制。
- Enterprises and government institutions are encouraged to increase their input in these areas. 鼓励企事业单位加大投入。
- The government instituted a consumer protection agency. 政府设立了一个消费者保护机构。
- The existing old-age security system for employees and retirees from government institutions remain unchanged. 此外,机关事业单位职工和退休人员仍实行原有的养老保障制度。
- Four officials representing the governments from both Mainland and Hong Kong respectively delivered speeches on the role played by governmental institutions in this regard. 两地的四位政府官员在研讨会中分别就政府在这方面的角色作出演说。
- Reform in finance, taxation, banking, distribution, housing, government institutions and other areas has continued to deepen. 财税、金融、流通、住房和政府机构等改革继续深化。
- This non sequitur invalidates his argument. 他不根据前提推理因而论证无效。
- This reform changed the long-standing framework of government institutions established during the planned economy. 这次改革,进一步改变了长期以来在计划经济体制下形成的政府机构框架。
- The "East Turkistan" terrorists also furiously attacked police and government institutions, and committed crimes of poison and arson in some cities. “东突”恐怖分子还猖狂地袭击警察和政府机关,并在一些城市制造了一系列投毒、纵火案。
- Rebellion broke out in that area in 1956 and the rebels besieged the local government institutions and massacred hundreds of government staff as well as common people. 1956年,该区叛乱开始,叛乱分子围攻地方政权机构,残杀工作人员和群众数百人。
- Patience is a sine qua non for a good teacher. 做个优秀教师必不可少的条件是要有耐心。
- The diplomat was declared persona non grata. 这位外交家被宣布为不受欢迎的使节。
- In 1988, the Chinese government began to reform the free medicare system in government institutions and the labor protection medicare system in state-owned enterprises. 1988年,中国政府开始对机关事业单位的公费医疗制度和国有企业的劳保医疗制度进行改革。