- Nd-Fe-B永磁材料 Nd-Fe-B permanent magnetic materials
- 烧结过程、粉末粒度及有效稀土含量对Nd-Fe-B永磁材料取向度的影响 Effects of Sintering, Average Powder Size and Effective Total Rare Earth Content on the Alignment Degree of Nd-Fe-B Permanent Magnetic Materials
- 从材料保护的角度出发,在分析了Nd Fe B永磁材料的氢脆过程及氢脆的特点后,用RF磁控溅射制备一定厚度的Al薄膜并在一定条件下进行氧化处理,得到了Al+Al2O3复合涂层。 Based on analyzing the phenomena and processes of hydrogen embrittlement o f Nd-Fe-B permanent magnets, RF magnetron sputter was used to fabricate Al thi n films which were then oxidized to form the Al/Al?2O?3 composite films on th e magnets as hydrogen resistant coating.
- Nd-Ce-Fe-B永磁合金的相组织和穆斯堡尔效应的研究 Phase Structure and Messbauer Effect in Nd-Ce-Fe-B Permanent-Magnet Alloys
- Halbach阵列用于盘式无铁心永磁同步电动机的结构仿真研究 The Simulation of Disc Coreless Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Based on Halbach Array
- 导磁材料 permeablility magnetic material
- 本文利用1000kV超高压电镜、穆斯堡尔谱仪、X射线衍射仪和磁测量仪等对Nd-Fe-B永磁合金中的富硼相进行了研究。 The boron-rich phase in Nd-Fe-B magnet was studied by means of HVEM, Mossbauer spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction and magnetic measurements.
- 永磁材料 permanent-magnet material
- 半永磁材料 semi-hard magnetic material
- 永磁(硬磁)材料磁性试验方法 Methods of test of the magnetic properties of permanent magnetic (magnetically hard) materials
- NdFeB纳米复合永磁材料的交换耦合相互作用和有效各向异性 Exchange-coupling interaction and effective anisotropy of NdFeB nanocomposite permanent magnetic materials
- 永磁铁氧体材料参考技术性能与物理 Physical character and reference material of permanent ferrite magnetic materials
- 中国永磁铁氧体材料产业现状与发展规划 Current Status %2526 Plan of Hard Ferrite Materials Industry in China
- 汽车启动电机用高H_(CJ)永磁铁氧体材料 High H_(CJ) Permanent Ferrite Material Used in Starting Motor of Automobile
- 永磁起重器下无铁磁性材料时,不可扳动手柄。 Don't pull the handle if there is no steel-magnetic material under the permanent magnet hoisting machine.
- 钕铁硼稀土材料在永磁同步电动机中的应用 Application of Xd Fe B Permanent Magnetie Mate Material for Synchronous Motor
- 稀土永磁及磁记录材料的矫顽力与有效激活体积 Coercive Force and Effective Activation Volume in Rare Earth Permanent Magnets and Magnetic Recording Materials
- 不同永磁材料与磁极结构在轿车永磁起动机中的对比研究 The Comparative Research of Different Permanent Magnet Materials and Magnet Pole Structure to Permant Magnet Starter
- 各种材料制成的圆片、圆柱、方、环、扇、异等形状系列永磁元件。 We can customize products according to users'requirements: disk, cylinder, quadratic form, ring, sector and some other special shaped magnets.