- Nb基超高温合金 niobium-based ultrahigh-temperature alloy
- 铌硅化物基超高温合金 Nb silicide-based superalloy
- Nb-Ti-Si基超高温合金 Nb-Ti-Si base ultrahigh temperature alloy
- 铌硅化物基超高温合金与石墨坩埚氧化物涂层反应的热力学分析 Thermodynamic Analysis of the Reaction of the Nb Silicide-based Superalloys with Oxide Coatings for the Graphite Crucibles
- 利用真空自耗电弧熔炼法制备了三种成分的Nb硅化物基超高温合金。 Three Nb-Si based ultrahigh temperature alloy ingots with different nominal compositions were prepared by vacuum consumable arc-melting.
- 电子束区熔定向凝固Nb基高温合金的组织和性能 Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Nb Based Ultrahigh Temperature Alloy Directionally Solidified by EBFZM
- 本文设计了新型Nb硅化物基超高温合金的成分,并采用真空自耗电弧熔炼法制备了其母合金锭。 An advanced niobium-silicide based ultrahigh temperature alloy was prepared by vacuum consumable arc-melting method.
- 铌基超高温合金 Nb-based ultrahigh temperature alloy
- 胺基 amidocyanogen
- 中温 medium temperature
- 洛基 Loki
- 变温 poikilothermia
- 洛基第一集 Rocky - 1976
- 感温 temperature sensing
- 变温动物 poikilothermal animal
- 落基山 Rocky Mount
- 落基山脉 the Rocky mountain
- 氧自由基 oxygen radical
- 玻璃基板 glass substrate
- 烟囱筒壁多层结构相互作用的短时超高温非稳态温度场计算 Unstable Temperature Field Calculation of Chimney Wall in Temperory Super High-temperature in Respect of Multilayer Interaction