- National Strategic Stockpile 国家战略储备
- Fine, but how exactly any strategic stockpile will be split up during a global pandemic remains a mystery. The new rules do not offer much help on that front. 很好,不过在一场全球性传染病发作中,任何战略囤储将如何正确分享仍然是个谜。从表面上看,新的条例也没有提供多少帮助。
- GSED aims at meeting the national strategic requirements and the cutting-edge international researches on groundwater and soil environment. 地下水与土壤环境研究所瞄准国家战略需求和国际地下水与土壤环境科学前沿,开展水体和场地污染控制与修复、水资源利用与保护、劣质地下水净化等领域的战略性、前瞻性和原创性研究,揭示地下水系统元素生物地球化学循环和污染物输移过程,构建污染场地生态毒性与风险表征的方法体系,制定污染场地评价和修复的技术标准与规范,研发复合功能材料和设备。
- It brought together various IP stakeholders who would work together to lead the process of developing a national strategic plan to branding for the country. 它聚集了不同的知识产权利益相关者,他们将共同努力,领导制定国家品牌战略计划的进程。
- We are a national strategic communications firm, specializing in grassroots advocacy campaigns, public relations and public affairs work. We are curre... 区:美国-|专业领域:行政管理|行业部门:媒体,通讯和新闻业|实习开始时间:八月2008|实习种类职业工作
- Qian seems to have been largely unaffected by the tumult of the Cultural Revolution, from 1966, probably because he was working in such a key national strategic area. 可能出于国家关键性战略项目工作缘故,钱学森似乎并没有受到始于1966年的文化大革命动乱的影响。
- Out of the consideration of the interest of its own economy and national strategic security, Japanese government provided China with the ODA program and also received relevant reciprocation. 日本的oda决策也是出于其自身经济和国家战略安全利益考量,并已获得了相应的回报。
- The National Research and Development Plan is a natural extension of the National Strategic Plan and identifies the gaps in our knowledge base that may hinder us from achieving strategic objectives. 国家研究与发展计划是一个很自然的延伸国家战略计划,并确定了双方认知差距,我们的知识基础,这有可能阻碍我们实现战略目标。
- This arbitrage opportunity has continued to draw metal into China, where merchants and traders expect further buying by the Chinese government to replenish strategic stockpiles. 这种套利机会继续吸引铜进入中国。商人和交易员预计,中国政府将进一步采购铜金属,以补充战略储备。
- Institute for National Strategic Studies 国家策略研究学院
- This negative news offset much of the positive gain yesterday, as the IEA stated it would release strategic stockpiles if storm (expected to be reclassified to Hurricane) Gustav disrupted Gulf output. 昨天国际经济 协会发表声明,如果古斯塔夫斯风暴(可能会被重新定级列为飓风)影响到海湾地区的石油出产量,他们将考虑释放战略储备。
- National Strategic Target and Attack Policy 国家战略目标与进攻策略
- National Strategic Acquisition Plan 国家战略采购计划(英国)
- National Strategic Objectives Plan 全国战略目标计划
- National Strategic Reconnaissance List 国家战略侦察清单
- National Strategic Target Data Base 全国战略目标数据库
- National Strategic Target Database 国家战略目标数据库
- Our newspaper is a national newspaper. 我们的报纸是全国性的报纸。
- The national debts of that country are rolling up. 那个国家的国债在不断地增加。
- Many of them wore colourful national costumes. 他们很多人都穿着色彩鲜艳的民族服装。