- National Drug Policy Board 全国毒品政策委员会
- It also refles that administration and implementation of the national drug policy have promoted the advance in the China's clinical pharmacology and Chin J Clin Pharmacol. 本文折射出我国临床药理学的发展,也反应了我国新药政策在管理执行中对我国临床药理学科和中国临床药理学杂志发展的促进作用。
- ADPC also is now affiliated with National Safety Alliance Inc. (NSA), a Nashville-based drug policy management group. ADPC现在正与坐落在诺西维尔的药物规章管理组织---国家安全联盟合作。
- OBJECTIVE:To discuss the ways of implementing national essential drug policy in order to actualize its function of restriction and orientation. 目的:探讨推行国家基本药物政策的方法与途径,以实现其制约与导向功能。
- And supervisory management board of national drug provision is curule and successive fall horse, provided fresh case for this one viewpoint. 而国家药品食品监督管理局高官连续落马,为这一观点提供了鲜活的案例。
- Which brings us to Item Two, namely, the current odd ad campaign sponsored by the Office of National Drug Control Policy. 这刚好带出了第二点,即美国国家药物控制政策办公室近期一系列奇怪的公益电视广告。
- And, this week, President Obama nominated the police chief from Seattle as the new director for the Office of National Drug Control Policy . 本周奥巴马总统任命西雅图警署局长为国家麻醉品控制政策办公室新任主管。
- Gil Kerlikowske, chief of the Office of National Drug Control Policy, says more people are dying in the United States from drug overdoses than from gunshot wounds. 全国毒品管制政策局局长克利考斯基表示,目前美国死于药物过量的人数已经超过死于枪伤者。
- The Bank of Japan yesterday began a two-day policy board meeting amid political pressure not to raise interest rates. 昨日开始召开为期两天的政策会议。该机构正面临不要加息的政治压力。
- Beginning in 1998, the Office of National Drug Control Policy launched a media campaign as part of the “war on drugs. 在1998年开始,国家麻醉品控制政策办公室发动一次媒体攻势作为"同毒品作战"的一部分。
- Understanding the change and development trends of drug policy, provide references for managers. 了解药品政策的变化和发展趋势,为管理人员提供参考;
- Next week ministers from around the world gather in Vienna to set international drug policy for the next decade. 下周,来自世界各地的大臣们会聚在维也纳,为下个十年设定国际毒品政策。
- The Cabinet Office's household survey for the year to December (released mischievously while the BoJ's policy board was in session) shows that confidence had slipped further. 内阁房公布的截至去年12月的年度家庭调查报告(公布于央行政策例会期间)显示,消费者信心进一步下跌。
- Major League Baseball has benched Manny Ramirez for 50 games for violating the league's drug policy. 美国棒球全联盟宣布,玛尼雷米勒由于违反了联盟的药物条令而停赛50场。
- A drug with content not up to the National Drug Standards is a drug of inferior quality. 药品成份的含量不符合国家药品标准的,为劣药。
- National Policy Board on Educational Administration 年全美教育管理政策委员会
- And enabled governments to address weak aspects of their national drug control systems. 使各国能整治本国毒品控制系统的薄弱环节。
- Both Prescription Drug and Nonprescription Drug have gotten the approval from national drug supervisory authorities. 处方药和非处方药不是药品本质的属性,而是管理上的界定。
- The government inspectorate represents the enforcement arm of the national drug regulatory authority. 药政机构的检查部门是国家药政机构实施法规的武器。
- TOKYO( XFN-ASIA)- The Bank of Japan said its nine-member policy board voted unanimously to keep the overnight call rate target unchanged at0.5 pct at the end of its two-day meeting, as widely expected by the market. 日本央行宣布在为期两天的升息会议中九个与会者昨天都一致同意维持汇率于0.;5%25变,而此举符合市场预期。