- FeCl3·xH2O FeCl3·xH2O
- FePO4·xH2O FePO4·xH2O
- 残留Na2O residual Na2O
- Na2O-CaO-B2O3 Na2O-CaO-B2O3
- Na2O-K2O混合体系 mixed Na2O-K2O system
- Na2O·8TeO2晶体 NTs
- FeO,MnO,Na2O,Al2O3质量分数逐渐升高,暗示与寄主岩浆反应的效应。 The increases of FeO,MnO,Na2O,and Al2O3 contents from transition to rim for Cpx xenocrysts should be attributed to the reaction of the host magma with the xenocrysts.
- 报道了可紫外激光刻写的掺铒Na2O-Bi2O3-SiO2和Na2O-B2O3-Bi2O3-SiO2玻璃的光谱特性. This paper reports on the spectroscopic properties of ultraviolet laser photosensitive Er~ 3+ -doped bismuth-silicate glasses. Two series of the glasses Na_2O-Bi_2O_3-SiO_2-Er_2O_3 and Na_2O-B_2O_3-Bi_2O_3- SiO_2-Er_2O_3 have been prepared by conventional melting and quenching technique .
- 单斜辉石捕虏晶为透辉石,具有反环带结构,核部具有较高的FeO,MnO,Na2O,Al2O3质量分数,反映了壳源成因; The clinopyroxene(Cpx) xenocrysts of diopsides with reversal zoned structure are rich in FeO,MnO,Na2O,and Al2O3 in the cores,implying that they could come from the crust.
- 分别以TeO2 PbCl2、ZnO Na2O和TeO2 ZnO Na2O为基质制备了掺Er3+铅卤碲酸盐(EDTPb)玻璃和碲酸盐(EDT)玻璃。 Er~(3+) doped lead-tellurite (EDTPb) glasses and tellurite (EDT) glasses were prepared,whose host compositions were TeO_2-PbCl_2-ZnO-Na_2O and TeO_2-ZnO-Na_2O.
- 介绍了石钢应用瑞士ARL公司9800XP型X射线荧光光谱仪中QuantAS软件对炼铁生产中有害元素K2O,Na2O,ZnO,PbO的分析。 The analysis of harmful elements in iron making such as K_2O, Na_2O, ZnO, PbO with Quant A S software in 9800XP X-ray fluorescence spectrometer of Switzerland ARL Company is introduced.
- 用K2O/Na2O、Al2O3/Na2O、MnO/Al2O3、CIA及A-CN-K图解与华北现代褐土作对比分析,发现它们的化学风化特征极为相似; On the basis of CaO/MgO,K2O/Na2O,Al2O3/Na2O,MnO/Al2O3,CIA and A-CN-K diagram,the comparison results show that the intensity of chemical weathering in paleosols is very similar to the recent cinnamon soils in North China.
- 制备了掺铒碲酸盐玻璃80TeO2-10La2O3-10RmOn(RmOn=BaO,Na2O,Li2O),用差热分析方法研究了碲酸盐玻璃的热力学稳定性。 Er3+-doped tellurite glass with component 80TeO2- 10La2O3- 10BaO(Na2O, Li2O) were prepared and the thermal stabilities were studied by differential scanning colourimetry (DSC).
- 对硅酸盐平板玻璃进行恒温恒湿培养,采用原子吸收分光光度计法测定了玻璃的MgO和Na2O的析出量,采用荧光X-射线分光计法测定了玻璃风化后的表面成分。 By keeping the flat silicate glass at thermostat and humidistat,the amount of MgO and Na_2O dissolved out from glass surface was determined by atomic absorption spectrometer,and the remained MgO and Na_2O on the glass surface was measured by fluorescent X-ray spectrometer.
- 研制了一种新型掺铒碲酸盐玻璃TeO2-ZnO-Na2O-Bi2O3,利用Judd-Ofelt和McCumber理论计算了Er3+离子的强度参数、自发辐射几率、吸收截面和发射截面等光谱参数。 A novel Er3+-doped tellurite glass with compositions of TeO2-ZnO-Na2O-Bi2O3 was prepared, and the intensity parameters, spontaneous emission probability, absorption and emission cross-section of Er3+ ions were calculated according to the Judd-Ofelt and McCumber theory.
- 主要对熔铸AZS耐火材料的R2O(Na2O,K2O)快速化学分析方法、SiO2快速化学分析方法和快速烘样方法进行了研究,该研究对熔铸AZS耐火材料在线分析上具有实际意义。 The paper is concerned with the quick chemical analysis of R 2O(Na 2O and K 2O) and SiO 2 and quick drying of samples of fused cast AZS refractories. The results show that these methods have practical significance for on-line analysis of fused cast AZS refactories .
- 中元古代冷家溪群和新元古代板溪群(包括下部马底驿组和上部五强溪组)地层在主元素成分上无明显区别,总体上以中等SiO2含量和K2O/Na2O比值以及较高的(Fe2O3+MgO)含量为特征。 In terms o f major element compositions,diffe rent Proterozoic groups and formations h ave no distinct differences and on th e whole are characterized by interme diate SiO 2 contents and K 2 O /Na 2 O ratios and relatively high Fe 2 O 3? +MgO contents.
- 在俯冲带,大洋板片熔融产生的熔体(埃达克熔体)上升并与地幔橄榄岩发生反应,原始的埃达克熔体获得MgO、Cr及Ni等地幔组分,但其Na2O和SiO2等通过反应进入地幔,导致地幔交代作用。 In the subduction zones, primary adakite melts during magmatic ascent and reaction with mantle peridotite will gain mantle components such as MgO, CaO, Cr and Ni but will lose Na?2O, SiO?2 and perhaps K?2O to the mantle, leading to Na-rich mantle metasomatism.
- 本文以特提斯构造系怒江断裂高黎贡山韧性剪切带糜棱岩为实例。 测试分析表明,在韧性剪切带岩石变形变质前后,SiO2、TiO2、全Fe、H2O等显著贫化,CaO、MgO、Na2O、K2O等显著富集; The mylonite from the Gaoligongshan ductile shear zone within the Nujiang fault,western Yunnan is markedly depleted in SiO_2,TiO_2,total Fe and H_2O,and enriched in CaO,MgO,Na_2O and K_2O.
- 采用传统的熔体冷却方法,研究以TiO2和ZrO2为成核剂,以含Na2O的Li2O-Al2O3-SiO2系统微晶玻璃为基础组成,通过二步法热处理制度制备出符合微电子机械系统静电键合要求的微晶玻璃材料。 The glass-ceramic in Li2O-Al2O3-SiO2 system including Na2O with TiO2 and ZrO2 as nucleation agents, which was used to anodic bond in MEMS, was p roduced by the way of conventional melt quenching technology and two-step heat-t reatment.