- NP难度(NPH) non-deterministic polynomial hard
- NP难度 NP hard
- NP难度问题 NP-hard problem
- 进程流程图在分布式环境下的最优分配是一NP难度问题。 The optimum allocation of process flowchart in a distributed system is an NP-complete problem.
- 难度 (n) trouble; problem
- NPH体系 NPH System
- NPH胰岛素 Human NPH insulin
- Iletin ⅠNPH 牛猪混合的低精蛋白锌胰岛素<降血糖药>
- Iletin Ⅱ NPH 纯化的牛或猪低精蛋白锌胰岛素<降血糖药>
- Pork NPH Iletin Ⅱ 猪低精蛋白锌纯胰岛素混悬液<降血糖药>
- 高难度 superior difficulty
- 住院糖尿病患者使用甘精胰岛素和NPH控制血糖达标的最小成本分析 A cost-minimization analysis of glargine and NPH in inpatient management of diabetes mellitus
- np边界 np boundary
- 高难度动作 stunner, stunt
- 难度系数 degree-of-difficulty factor; difficulty coefficient
- NP难 NP hard
- 联合应用一种口服降糖药物(常是二甲双胍)NPH一日2次(始早期应用一日一次)或者一日两次胰岛素混和制剂。 Use a combination of an oral glucose-lowering drug( usually metformin) with NPH insulin twice daily( or once daily if initiated early), or twice-daily insulin mixes.
- NP-难 NP-hard
- 有难度 difficult
- 2-NP 2-nitrophenol