- 船舶大功率柴油机NOx排放控制技术的比较研究 Comparative Study of NOx Emission Control Techniques for Large Power Marine Diesel Engines
- 柴油机NOX排放控制与废气再循环技术 Reduction of NOX from Diesel Engines with EGR
- NOx排放特性 NOx emission characteristic
- NOx排放控制 NOx emission control
- 减少柴油机NOx排放的机外措施 OFF-Engine Measures to Reduce NOx Emission from Diesel Engines
- 车用汽油机稀燃催化器NOx排放控制技术 Control Technology of NOx Emissions of Lean-burn Catalytic Converters for Automotive Gasoline Engines
- 芳烃使得绝热火焰温度升高,NOx排放增加 Aromatics increase the adiabatic flame temperature, and thus the NOx emissions
- 重型汽车排气污染物排放控制系统耐久性要求及试验方法 Test Procedures and Requirement of Durability of Emission Control Systems for Heavy-duty Vehicles
- 进气预混甲醇降低柴油机碳烟与NOx排放的影响参数研究 Effect of Parameters on Soot and NOx Emissions from Diesel Engine with Pre-mixed Methanol in Intake Manifold
- SO2排放控制 SO2 emission control
- 排放控制绩效 achievement of controlling discharge
- 发动机管理系统、三元催化转化装置等汽车尾气排放控制系统。 Engine control systems and vehicle exhaust control systems such as ternary catalysis conversion devices, etc.
- 常规直流煤粉燃烧器试验结果表明:350MW负荷时,运行氧量从3%上升到5%对应NOx排放增加26.7%; The experimental results of the conventional pulverized-coal burner show that with the increase of O_2 volume fraction from 3%25 to 5%25, NOx emission increases by over 26.7%25 (350MW), and that when 15%25 BFG (calorific value) was co-fired, NOx emission decreases by 27.6%25, and that with the increase of the operating load from 210MW to 350MW, NOx emission increases by over 45.4%25.
- 本文对泰国尤其是曼谷的机动车排放控制管理做了简要介绍。 This article introduces briefly the motor vehicle emission control in Bangkok,Thailand.
- 低NOx排放 low NOx emission
- EGA车用发动机的排放控制技术 Emission Control Technology of Chrysler EGA Vehicle Engine
- 径向浓淡旋流煤粉燃烧器直流二次风对流场及NOx排放的影响 Effects of the non-swirl secondary air jet on the flow properties and NOx emission of radial bias combustion swirl burner
- 污染和环境排放控制剂 Pollution and environment discharging control agent
- NOx排放标准 emission standard ofNOx
- 昆明市机动车尾气排放控制水平分析 Analysis of Control Level of Motor Vehicle Exhaust Emission in Kunming