- NGW行星齿轮 NGW planet gear
- NGW行星减速器 NGW planetary reducer
- 双级NGW行星减速器的优化设计 Optimization Design of 2 Step NGW Type Planetary Gear Reducer
- NGW型行星齿轮传动机构 NGW planetary gear drive mechanism
- 齿轮箱 gear case
- 行星 planet
- 差速器壳支承在行星齿轮轴上,行星齿轮与两个半轴齿轮相啮合。 "The differential case supports the differentail-pinion gear on a shaft, and this gear meshes with the two bevel gears."
- 少齿差行星齿轮传动 planetary gearing with small difference between the numbers of teeth
- NGW型行星减速器 NGW-type planetary speed reducer
- 拉维娜式自动变速器行星齿轮机构运动特性方程式的推导 The Motion Property Equation Derivation of the Planet Gears for Ravigneaux Automatic Gearbox
- 双级NGW型行星轮系的优化设计 Optimal design of NGW type two-stage epicyclic gear train
- 行星齿轮 satellite gear
- NGW型直齿行星传动的设计方法研究 Study on the Design Method of the NGW Type Straight Tooth Planet Transmission
- 行星齿轮减速 Planetary Gear Reduction
- 双行星齿轮 Dual planetary gear set
- 行星齿轮传动 epicyclic gearing
- 文摘:本文较详细地讨论了封闭谐波-行星齿轮减速器的设计计算。 Abstract: The design and calculation of the closed harmonic-planetary gear box are detailedly discussed this paper.
- 封闭行星齿轮 closed planetary gear
- 非圆行星齿轮 non - circular planetary gear
- 内齿行星齿轮 Inner Planetary Gear