- NET开发平台中嵌入ASP. NET exploration platform, Microsoft provides CLR and class group to explores. ASP.
- NET开发平台通过远程数据库访问和基于Socket流的访问模式实现数据远程访问和传输,实现了网络监控系统的柔性生产线功能。 NET development platform realization data long-distance access and the transmission through accessing remote database and using socket stream model,finally has realized the function of the flexible production line of the network monitoring system.
- NET开发平台定义了一种公用语言子集(CLS)并统一了编程类库,提供了对下一代网络的通信标准和可扩展标记语言(XML),其中分析了. NET exploder flat defined a kind of CLS and unified programming class libraries and provided a communication standard of next generation network and XML. In this part, the article analysis several main composing parts of .
- 平台 terrace
- 在护照和驾照中嵌入微型芯片能有效减少假冒身份进行的诈骗。 Embedding microchips in passports and driver license can effectively reduce identity fraud.
- 如果要成为称职的.NET开发人员,了解基类库及其提供的丰富功能非常重要。 Understanding the Base Class Library, and the wealth of functionality it offers, is important if you want to become an advanced.NET developer.
- 以编程方式修改文档中嵌入的应用程序清单,以指向新的部署清单位置。 Programmatically modify the application manifest that is embedded in the document to point to the new deployment manifest location.
- 每个示例都进行了完整而准确的记录,以便您现在能够使用代码启动您的ASP.NET开发项目。 Each sample is complete and well-documented so that you can use the code to kickstart your ASP.NET development projects today.
- 最后,我们展示如何将消息队列框架集成到Everyplace Micro Environment平台中。 Finally, we ll show you how to integrate the message queue framework into the Everyplace Micro Environment platform.
- 胶瘤中嵌入金属对单搭接接头的影响 Influence of embedded metal bar in fillet on shear strength of single lap joints
- CAD软件二次开发平台实现技术 Realization Technology of Application Development Toolkit for CAD Software
- 有关ASP.NET新增功能的更完整列表,请参见ASP.NET中的新增功能。 For a more complete list of new features in ASP.NET, see What's New in ASP.NET.
- 在文档中嵌入图像或视频片断。 Embeds an image or a video clip in the document.
- VB开发平台 VB program
- 在输出文件中嵌入资源文件。 Embeds a resource file in the output file.
- 输油泵测试平台中恒压控制的变频实现 Frequency conversion of the constant pressure control in oil pump test platform
- 通用短消息服务开发平台设计的总体框架 Total Frame of the Design of Developing General Short Message Service Terrace
- 使用此选项,可以在编译网站中的ASP.NET网页之后,对它们进行有限的更改。 This option enables you to make limited changes to the ASP.NET Web pages in the site after you compile them.
- NET Framework上提供一个全方位的Web开发平台,是建置和管理Web应用程序最佳的平台。 NET Framework, which is the best platform for setting and managing Web application program.
- 为ASP.NET 1.1开发自定义数据绑定Web服务器控件 Developing Custom Data-Bound Web Server Controls for ASP.NET 1.1