- NDIS中间层驱动程序 NDIS intermediate driver
- NDIS中间层驱动 NDIS intermediate driver
- 基于NDIS中间层驱动的信息防火墙设计实现 Implementation of information firewall base on NDIS intermedia driver
- 中间层驱动程序 NDIS IM
- NDIS中间驱动程序 NDIS Intermediate driver
- 层 layer
- 在分析Windows 2000网络体系结构和操作系统指纹探测工具Xprobe2工作原理的基础上,基于NDIS中间层驱动设计并实现防御操作系统指纹探测的工具Anti-Xprobe2,具体工作如下: Based on the analysis of systems architecture of Windows 2000 and the principle of Xprobe2, a kind of tool used to detect fingerprint of operating systems, Anti-Xprobe2, a king of tool used to defend the detection of operating systems fingerprint, is designed and implemented based on NDIS intermediate driver.
- 中间 middle
- Windows NT下的NDIS中间驱动程序的设计 Design of NDIS Intermediate Drivers Based on Windows NT
- 中间的 midterm
- 这个第二层驱动程序提供了视频模式中绘图的常规接口。 This second driver provides the generic interface for drawing in video mode.
- 基于NDIS中间层的包截获及分析处理 The Capture and Filtrate of the Packets based on Intermediate NDIS
- 中间层 mesosphere
- 驱动程序模型) WDM
- WinCE流驱动程序 WinCE stream interface driver
- 基于NDIS中间层即时通监控的研究与实现 Research and Implementation of Instant Messenger Monitor Based on NDIS Intermediate Driver
- 端口总线驱动程序 PCI Express Port Bus Driver
- 基于NDIS中间层的包过滤的研究与设计 Research and Design of Packet Filtering based on NDIS Intermediate Driver
- ODBC驱动程序的名称。 The name of the ODBC driver.