- N-半单代数 Cnter Idempotent Element
- 证明了域上有限维半单代数的每一个非零理想由唯一的中心幂等元生成。 It is proved that every nonzero ideal in a finite-dimensional semi-simple algebra over a field is generated by an unique central idempotent.
- 半单代数上的模的刻划 Express of module over the semi-simple algebra
- 半 semi-
- 半年 half a year
- 半单代数 semisimple algebras
- 报销单 expense account
- 表单 memu
- 半天 half of the day
- 运单 freight note
- 半小时 halfhour
- 下单 place an order
- 半角 DBC case
- 舱单 shipping bill
- 半月 half-moon
- 单曲 single
- 上半 first half
- 单层 monolayer
- 半场 half-court
- 买单 check