- N次循环中值疲劳强度 median fatigue strength at N cycles
- N次循环中值疲劳强度 median fatigue strength at N cycles
- N次循环响应曲线 response curve for N cycles
- 基于中值滤波的灰色预测模型及其在大坝变形预测中的应用 The gray forecast model based on median filter and its application in dam deformation forecast
- 粘土干湿循环中裂缝演变过程的数值模拟 Numerical simulation of crack evolution in clay during drying and wetting cycle
- 临界值 critical value
- n的五次乘方 the fifth power of n; n (raised) to the power of 5
- "任何一种个人的业余爱好,如体育活动,音乐,集邮等等在他的生活中从未有过地位。" "Any personal hobbies such as sports, music and collecting stamps never had a place in his life."
- 迭代中值叠加 iterative median stack
- 某超硬不锈钢的接触疲劳P-S-N曲线的测定 Determination of Contact Fatigue P-S-N Curve of a Super-hard Stainless Steel
- 零强度 zero intensity
- "晚安,小姐," 他又说了一次。 "我看你有烦恼的事!我真心希望事情会好转。" "Good night, miss, " he said again. "I see you've got a trouble: and I'm sure I hope it'll turn out for the best."
- "有时人们怀疑,政治事务中是否有道德可言。" One sometimes wonders if there's any morality in political affairs.
- 共生固N Symbiotic nitrogen fixation
- 11月30日,这地区发生一次强烈地震。 The district was hit by a violent earthquake on. November30.
- 评估值 assessed value
- 《战争于和平》是我读过的书中最长的一本。 "War and Peace" is the longest book I've ever read.
- 磷循环 phosphorus cycle
- "他多次尝试打开车门,但都不得要领,因为他用错了钥匙。" "All his attempts to unlock the car were futile, because he was using the wrong key."
- 无用载波中值 median unwanted carrier