- Morus bombycis 桑
- Morus bombycis Koidzumi roots 桑根
- Mulberry (Morus bombycis) 桑树
- Total flavones from Morus alba L. 桑叶总黄酮
- Studies on the chemical constituents of flavones in Morus alba L. 桑白皮黄酮化学成分的研究。
- Determination of Polysaccharide in Leaves of Morus alba L. 桑叶多糖的含量测定。
- Ingredients: Calendula, Morus alba L., Aloe Vera etc. 成份:金盏花、桑白皮、芦荟等。
- RESULTS Flavonoids in Morus alba L.have good biological effects. 结果桑树中的黄酮类成分具有多方面的药理活性。
- Title: Determination of Polysaccharide in Leaves of Morus alba L. 关键词:桑叶;多糖;硫酸-蒽酮法;含量测定
- CONCLUSION The studies on flavonoids of Morus alba L. are valuable. 结论桑树中黄酮类成分具有很好的研发和应用前景。
- Induction of Tetraploidy and its Application in Mulberry, Moru spp. 桑树四倍体的诱导及其应用。
- Isolation and identification of phenolic compounds from Morus macroura Miq. 光叶桑中酚类化合物的分离与鉴定。
- Isolation and identification of the chemical constituents from Morus alba L. 桑白皮化学成分的分离与鉴定。
- Title: Purification and Determination of Polysaccharide in Morus alba L. 关键词:桑叶多糖;提取纯化;硫酸-蒽酮法
- Conclusion:Morus alba and M.multicaulis are similar in hypoglycemic effect. 结论:白桑和鲁桑具有相似的降血糖作用。
- Methods The 1H-NMR figerprints from Fructus Evodiae,Percarpium Zanthoxylum and Feculae Bombycis were compared. 方法比较吴茱萸和伪品花椒、蚕砂的1H-NMR指纹图谱的区别。
- The 1H-NMR fingerprints can be used to identify Fructus Evodiae,Pericarpium Zanthoxylum and Feculae Bombycis. 该方法特征性强,直观,易识别。
- Pebrine disease is a traditional and destructive disease in sericulture.The causative agent is Nosema bombycis. 家蚕(Bombyx mori)微粒子病作为传统养蚕业上一种既古老而又具毁灭性的传染性疫病,其致病病原为家蚕微粒子孢子(Nosema bombycis,简称N.;b)。
- The method for extracting Nosema bombycis DNA from Bombyx mori eggs infected with Nosema bombycis was studied to approach the feasible application of detecting through PCR. 摘要为促进用PCR法检测家蚕微粒子病的生产应用,对带毒蚕卵中的家蚕微孢子虫DNA提取方法进行了研究。