- Moebius不变 Moebius invariant
- 一定要把水注满使水平高度总保持不变。 Make sure to top up the water level so that is always remains the same.
- 永恒不变的个人恒心和经常顺从的挂念 Constant personal attention and often obsequious solicitude.
- 那些信号用非常快但几乎不变的速度来回传送。 The signals go to and fro at a very high but almost constant speed.
- 他妻子无论在顺境逆境中都对他不变心。 His wife stuck by him in good times and bad.
- 要在您移动形状时保持形状的对齐方式不变,请按住Shift。 To keep the alignment of a shape from changing while you move the shape, press SHIFT.
- 台湾、香港、澳门保持原有的资本主义制度和生活方式长期不变 Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao will retain the current capitalist system and way of life for a long time to come.
- 必然性由不变的自然规律决定的东西 Something dictated by invariable physical laws.
- 物价上涨似乎已到顶点,近期一段时间内,物价应该会稳定不变。 The rise in prices seems to have topped off, so goods should cost the same for a longer time now.
- 在这个世界上没有什么东西是固定不变的;一切都是相对的。 Nothing's fixed in this world; everything is relative.
- 许多观念、想法与时俱移,不可能亘古不变。 Our ideas and views are not static but will change with the times.
- 偿还的贷款保证在还贷期间保持不变。 Repayments guaranteed to stay the same throughout the length of the loan.
- 这种关系已刻板不变成为固定形式。 The relations have rigidified into fixed patterns.
- 这次,日期将在缓存配置文件中指定的持续时间(为60秒)内保持不变。 This time the date will remain the same for the duration specified in the cache profile, which is 60 seconds.
- 在电阻不变的直流电路中,电流和电压成正比。 In a constant resistance D.C circuit the current will vary directly proportional to the voltage.
- 其他各项条件仍按原来打算的那样不变。 All other conditions must remain as originally intended.
- 温度不变时,气体的体积与压力成反比。 At constant temperature the volume of a gas varies inversely with the pressure.
- 各类工资之间的比例大体上维持不变。 The relation between salaries remains fairly constant.
- 以前价格预期在旧的水平上保持不变。 Prices were previously expected to be constant at the old level.
- 恒温;不变的规则;他永恒的谦恭。 an invariable temperature; an invariable rule; his invariable courtesy.