- The modern age is an age of electricity. 当今时代是电气时代。
- In the modern age Taoism in Vietnam came to decline. 近代时期 ,越南的道教逐渐衰落。
- The arrival of powered flight brought mankind into the modern age. 动力飞行目标的实现使人类进入了近代时期。
- It is difficult to pinpoint when water problems of the modern age began. 很难准确地指出,现代用水的问题是什么时候出现的。
- In the modern age of Everest climbing, Sherpas are among the most accomplished mountaineers. 在现代的埃佛勒斯峰登山活动中,夏尔巴人位居杰出的登山运动员行列。
- Circumstances of bourgesois privacy in the modern age deprived individuals of scope for Grand Passions. 现代资产阶级离群索居的习性,使个人失去了抒发激情的机会。
- In the modern age when human beings depend so much on machines, the disabled have given us new pride. 在人类如此依赖机器的时代,残疾人给我们带来了新的自豪。
- In the modern age, people depend more and more on computers to solve problems of various kinds. 当代人越来越依靠计算机解决各种问题了。
- Circumstances of bourgeois privacy in the modern age deprive individuals of scope for Grand Passions. 现代资产阶级离群索居的习性,使个人失去了抒发激情的机会。
- Secondly, analyzing food products for the presence of contaminants has also changed in the modern age. 其次,现代社会对食品中污染物的分析能力也发生了变化。
- It follows that the modern age believes that art and literature shouldn't try to represent any ideal. 于是,我们这些现代人认为艺术和建筑不应该表现完美的东西。
- Modern age refers to the human society developing times after industrial society formed. 现代是工业社会基本形成以后的人类社会发展时代。
- In the modern age, people depend more and more on computers to solve various problems. 在当今时代,人们越来越多地依靠计算机来解决各种各样的难题。
- They wonder at the changes in the world since Wilbur and Orville Wright began the modern age of flight. 心中充满了对赖特兄弟开创现代飞行时代以来世界发生的变化而产生的遐想。
- A truly groundbreaking leap into the Modern age can be seen in another Hudec building, Wu's House on Tongren Road. 一个进入现代主义时代的,真正具有突破性的飞跃的作品是位于铜仁路上的吴同文住宅。
- Already we can individuate three central characteristics of the modern age of imperialism that have changed today. 现代历史时期的帝国主义的面目在今天已经改变,因此,我们已有条件一一归纳出它的三个核心特点。
- When evolutionism was introduced into China in the modern age, it went through the process of China turns. 进化论在近代传入中国时,经历了一个中国化的过程。
- Many women in the color of the modern age still bleak charm exudes charm, this is the result of their good practice. 很多现代女性在颜色暗淡的年岁中依然散发着迷人的魅力,这是她们苦心修炼的结果。
- This view dovetails neatly with a five-year-old plan to drag their management of capital and risk into the modern age. 上述观点与一项为期五年的计划完全吻合,该计划使欧洲央行对资金与风险的管理更具现代感。
- Modern paintings are not to my taste. 现代画不合我的口味。