- Microlepia platyphylla n. 阔叶鳞盖蕨
- Rose rnultiflora f. platyphylla Thory. 七姊妹
- Microlepia marginata (Houtt.) C.Chr. 边缘鳞盖蕨 Marginal Scaly-fern.
- Studies on the Chemical Constituents of the Leaves of Betula platyphylla Suk. 白桦叶化学成分的研究
- The microwave-assisted extraction(MAE) of betulin from Betula platyphylla Suk. 利用均匀设计法优化了微波辅助提取白桦树皮中桦木醇的工艺。
- The fluctuant and conventional drying technologies for22 mm-thick Birch( Betula platyphylla) were tested and compared. 进行了桦木波动干燥工艺和常规干燥工艺的对比试验。
- Application of Orthogonal Design in Selecting Culture Condition in Vitro of Rose multi flora f. Platyphylla Thory. 应用多因子正交试验筛选野生七姊妹离体培养条件。
- Current status of the study on seeds resource and propagation of Betula platyphylla Suk. 白桦种源及繁殖的研究现状
- Objective: To establish two-dimensional electrophoresis(2-DE) patterns of flower-bud for Betula platyphylla. 目的:初步建立白桦花芽蛋白质组研究的双向电泳(2-DE)技术,以提高其分辨率及重复性。
- The fluctuant and conventional drying technologies for 22 mm-thick Birch (Betula platyphylla) were tested and compared. 进行了桦木波动干燥工艺和常规干燥工艺的对比试验。
- This research demonstrated that one of the major factors affecting the growth of Sagittaria platyphylla is temperature. 摘要研究表明,环境温度为影响阔叶慈姑发育的主导因素。
- Niche relationships between Betula platyphylla and main understory herbages in forest-steppe ecotone of Daxingan-ling Mountains. 大兴安岭森林草原过渡带白桦及主要草本植物生态位关系的研究。
- The characters of gametophyte and the place of phylogenesis of M. platyphylla are more primordial than that of M. strigosa. 与阔叶鳞盖蕨相比,粗毛鳞盖蕨的配子体发育特征更为原始,说明粗毛鳞盖蕨的系统位置更加低下。
- Title: Application of Orthogonal Design in Selecting Culture Condition in Vitro of Rose multiflora f. platyphylla Thory. 关键词:七姊妹;幼叶;正交设计;离体培养;方差分析
- Stem sap flow density characteristics of ailing Betula platyphylla in 2001 was concerned with physiological control of transpiration. 叶感病白桦树干液流具有以上特点,是因为具有较强的蒸腾生理调控力,以适应叶部病害而求得生存。
- Large tracts of platyphylla, Yuji loaded thick, layer upon layer of leaves and branches, full of little Lou Xia Ri Ying. 大片大片的白桦林,浓装玉肌,层层叠叠的枝叶间,漏下斑斑点点的日影。
- Thermal dissipation method was applied to study the stem sap flow of Betula platyphylla for two consecutive growing seasons. 摘要应用热扩散法,对白桦树干液流进行连续两个生长旺期测定。
- Homology of wood. Furthermore twelve elastic contants of Beula platyphylla Suk. Specimens were measured in the condition of tempeture 10C and relative humidity 60%. 木材的均匀连续性以后,测定出白桦试件在10℃、相对湿度为60%25时的一些基本的力学参数。
- BACKGROUND &AIM: Betulin is an important triterpene. We investigated the antitumor activity of betulin,extracted from the bark of silver birch(Betula platyphylla Suk). 背景与目的白桦酯醇是一种重要的三萜类生物活性分子,本文从白桦树皮中提取获得白桦酯醇纯品,然后研究该生物活性分子抑制食管癌细胞的活性。
- Abstract BACKGROUND & AIM: Betulin is an important triterpene.We investigated the antitumor activity of betulin, extracted from the bark of silver birch (Betula platyphylla Suk). 摘要 背景与目的: 白桦酯醇是一种重要的三萜类生物活性分子,本文从白桦树皮中提取获得白桦酯醇纯品,然后研究该生物活性分子抑制食管癌细胞的活性。