- Al-Mg-Sc合金 Al-Mg-Sc alloy
- Al-Mg-Sc合金板 Al-Mg-Sc alloy sheet
- Al-Sc合金 Al - Sc alloy
- Mg-Sc合金 Mg-Sc alloy
- Al-Mg-Sc合金有较高的强度和韧性,优良的耐蚀性和可焊性,有极好的超塑性,在汽车和航空工业有很好的应用前景。 Al-Mg-Sc alloy has high strength, corrosion-resistance, very good welding property, especial superplasticity. In the auto and aerospace industry, there is increasing interest in fabricating complex part by superplastic forming process.
- Ag、Sc合金化及热处理工艺对7055铝合金的微观组织与性能影响研究 The Effect of Ag, Sc Alloying and Heat Treatment Processes on Microstructures and Properties of 7055 Aluminum Alloy
- Al-Mg合金 Al-Mg alloy
- Mg-Li合金 Mg-Li alloy
- Al-Mg-Sc舍金 Al-Mg-Sc alloy
- 利用研制的中间合金制备了Al-5Mg-Sc系列合金,通过对加钪和不加钪的合金组织与性能的对比研究,对Al-5Mg-Sc合金的应用进行了评价。 And then a sheet of Al-Mg alloys with and without Sc was manufactured by using these Al-Mg-Sc master alloys, whose microstructure and properties were studied contrastively and whose application was valued.
- Mg-Sn合金 Mg-Sn alloy
- Mg-Mn合金 Mg-Mn alloy
- Sc微合金化 scandium alloying
- Mg-Ni合金 Mg-Ni alloy
- 含sc的铝锂合金 Al-Li alloy containing Sc
- Mg-zn合金 Mg - Zn alloy
- Mg-Sr合金 Mg- Sr alloy
- Mg-Ce合金 Mg-Ce alloy
- Mg-Nd合金 Mg-Nd alloy
- Mg-Zn-Y合金 Mg-Zn-Y alloy