- Meyer小波基 Meyer wavelet function
- Meyer小波 Meyer wavelet
- 其中,dbN和coifN小波系的误码率性能优于高斯脉冲,meyer小波性能较差。 And for the BER performance dbN and coifN are better and the Meyer is worse than the Gaussian pulse.
- 小波基按平移性的分类及非调和小波基 Classification of Wavelet Bases by Translation Subgroups and Nonharmonic Wavelet Bases
- 采用Meyer小波变换的电能质量扰动信号的检测与时频分析 Measuring and time-frequency analysis of electric power quality disturbance signal with Meyer wavelet transform
- 用余弦调制PR-FIR方法构造正交小波基 Design of Wavelet Orthonormal Bases with Cosine-Modulation PR-FIR Banks
- 小的 less
- 小猪 pigling
- 小计 subtotal
- 从小 from childhood
- 小女孩 lassock
- 小狗 puppy
- 变小波基的小波包电力通信消噪方法的研究 The Research of PLC Wavelet Packet Noise Cancelling Method Based on Multi-Wavelet Functions
- 最小的 lowest
- 小便 urinate
- 小猫 kitten
- 小精灵 elf
- 小人 flunky
- 小号 horn
- 小花 flowerlet