- Mendel-Bechterev征 Mendel-Bechterev sign
- 征 journey
- Mendels law 孟德尔氏定律
- Mendel将第二代称为杂交代。 Mendel called the second generation the hybrid generation.
- 本征 intrinsic(al)
- 起征点 threshold
- 指征 indicatio
- 征得同意进行核查 verification by consent
- 本征值 proper value
- 强征 impress
- 非本征光电离 extrinsic photoionization
- 征名 name-assemblying
- 税收及政府课征 taxes and public imposition
- 强征新兵 to pressgang conscripts
- 阿氏征 Asherman syndrome
- 艾利斯氏征 Allis' sign Ellis' sign
- 所有人力和耕畜都被强征服役。 All available manpower and draught animals were pressed into service.
- 德国的门户开放政策由于竞争国强征关税而正在受到严重的威胁。 Germany's open door policy is being threatened by tariffs imposed by their competitors.
- 保征 render certain
- 本征导电 intrinsic conduction