- Markov过程模型 Markov model
- 半Markov过程 Semi-Markov Processes
- 过程 process
- 证明了在指数O U过程模型下保险精算定价是一有套利定价. We prove that insurance actuary pricing is arbitrage under the exponentila O-U process model.
- Markov过程 Markov process
- 等价Markov过程 equivalent Markov process
- 基于离散小波变换的动态过程模型参数辨识的Markov方法 Markov Method for Parameter Identification of Dynamic Process Model Based on Discrete Wavelet Transform
- 可逆Markov过程 reversible Markov process
- 矢量Markov过程方法 Vector markov process method
- 高纯度内部热耦合精馏塔的非线性过程模型优化控制方案 Nonlinear Process Model Based Control Schemes for High Purity Internal Thermally Coupled Distillation Columns
- 向量Markov过程方法 vector Markov process method
- 齐次跳跃型Markov过程 homogeneous jump Markov process
- 全过程模型 entire process model
- 离散向量Markov过程方法 the Markov process method for discrete vectors
- 过程模型图 process model graph
- 过程模型网 process model net
- IPO过程模型 IPO process model
- 因果过程模型 casual model
- 认知过程模型 cognitive process model
- 设计过程模型 design process model