- 标准 standard
- Maria标准 Maria clinical scale
- 标准的 normal
- 国际标准 international standard
- 我叫Maria postman。 Good evening, Ms. Postman.
- 标准英语 Queen's English
- 将姓名从“Maria Anders”更改为Anders。 Change the name from Maria Anders to Anders.
- 标准差 root-mean-square error (RMS error)
- 符合标准 to comply with a standard
- 技术标准 technology standard
- 蒙特利索教育法是意大利的Maria Montessori博士1870-1952发明的一种教育方法。 The Montessori educational approach is a methodology and educational philosophy for nursery and elementary school education, first developed by Dr. Maria Montessori 1870-1952.
- 标准时间 slow time
- Boccaccio酒店坐落于历史市中心,在Arno河和Santa Maria Novella新圣母玛利亚教堂之间的一个地区。 Hotel Boccaccio can be found in the heart of the historic city centre, in an area between the River Arno and the Church of Santa Maria Novella.
- 标准偏差 standard deviation
- 收费标准 expenses standard
- 达到标准 up to scratch
- 评分标准 standard for evaluation
- 标准间 standard room
- 标准尺寸 gauge
- 标准配置 standard layout