- Malle Louis 路易·马勒
- Queen Marie Antoinette of France was the wife of Louis the 16th. 法国玛丽安东妮皇后是路易十六的妻子。
- A parade of strollers on the mall. 在购物中心的一群游逛者
- Louis was so tired that he hit the sack soon after supper. 路易斯太累了,所以吃过晚饭早早上床睡觉了。
- Saw all manner of people at the mall. 在购物中心看到各种各样的人
- The best place to go is the mall downtown. 那最好的去处是市中心的购物中心。
- So Louis invented an alphabet for the blind. 所以路易斯发明了盲人专用的字母表。
- Is there a shopping mall in the vicinity? 这附近有没有购物中心?
- Had Louis the will to order bold measure? 路易斯有没有采取破釜沉舟行动的勇气呢?
- Where is the biggest shopping mall in this town? 镇上最大的购物商场在哪里?
- It had been installed for Louis Howe. 这是为路易斯·豪修建的。
- I really must risk some Louis in person. 我可真得亲自去赌几个法郎才好。
- In the sho ing mall, which is o osite the hotel. 在旅馆对面的购物中心里。
- The mall is down this street. To your right. 商场就顺着条路直走,在右手边。
- Louis was the only babe in arms. 路易斯则是唯一还得抱在怀里的娃娃。
- Is Louis Althusser a Structuralist? 阿尔都塞是结构主义者吗?
- There is a shopping mall nearby. 附近有个大型的购物中心。
- We are going to build a shopping mall in this area. 我们准备在这个区域内建一个购物中心。
- Louis made unauthorized use of my name. 路易斯擅自利用我的名义。
- The Internet can serve as a big shopping mall. 互联网可起到购物中心的作用。