- MPEG-4AAC音频编码综述 Summa of MPEG-4 AAC Audio Coding
- 综述 sum up
- 改进MPEG音频编码的窗型切换准则 Window Switch Criterion for Improving MPEG Audio Encoding
- MPEG-2先进音频编码(AAC)的研究和软件仿真 Study and simulation of the MPEG-2 advanced audio coding(AAC)
- 此参数指定用于创建语音邮件的音频编码解码器。 This parameter specifies the audio codec for creating voice messages.
- 国际压缩标准MPEG特点综述 Features of International Compression Standards MPEG
- 音频线 audio line
- 此参数指定用于呼叫应答消息的音频编码解码器。 This parameter specifies the audio codec to use for call answering messages.
- 综述了鹿茸角的形成过程一些激素及生长因子调节作用的研究进展。 This article summarizes the recent advances about antler development and the function of hormones, growth factors and nerve system in this process.
- 将情报编码 to code information
- 文章综述并给出了xx相关的信息。 This paper provides an overview and information related to xx.
- 极性编码 polarity encoding
- MPEG-21 MPEG-21
- CRM综述 Study on the Summery of CRM
- 音频编码 audio coding
- 为了确保安全,我们应该对信息进行编码。 We should encode the message for security reasons.
- 阶层分化的理论视角--近年来中国社会阶层分化研究综述 Perspective on Stratification Theory--A Comprehensive Description on Stratification during Social Pattern's Transferring