- MPEG-4技术 MPEG-4
- MPEG-4技术及在嵌入式视频监控系统中的应用 MPEG-4 technology and its application in embedded video supervising system
- 2×4技术 2×4 appliance
- 这一基于MPEG-4技术的运营商级解决方案可向移动电话和其他无线器件提供多媒体内容 Carrier-Grade, MPEG-4 Based Solution Will Enable Multimedia Content to Mobile Phones and Other Wireless Devices
- 系统的实现综合采用了MPEG-4技术、流媒体技术、网络技术、数据库技术和同步多媒体集成语言SMIL等,采用微软的Visual C++作为开发工具。 The realization of the system relies on technologies of MPEG-4, streaming media, network, database, SMIL and takes Visual C++ of Microsoft as the development tool.
- 我们缺少技术工人。 We are short of skilled labor.
- MPEG-4标准 MPEG-4
- DVB/MPEG-2技术 DVB/MPEG-2 technology
- MPEG-4视频 MPEG-4 video
- 2×4矫治技术 2×4 corrective technique
- 一种DCT域MPEG-2码率变换技术 A DCT Domain MPEG -2 bit Rate Transcoder
- MPEG-4编码 MPEG4 encoding
- “2×4”技术 two by four technique
- MPEG-4码流 MPEG - 4 bitstreams
- MPEG格式视频流的倒序播放技术与实现 Technology and Implementation of Playing MPEG Video Stream in Reverse Direction
- "2×4"矫治技术 "2 × 4" technique
- MPEG-4算法 MPEG-4 algorithm
- 台4平1井钻井液技术 Drilling Fluid Technology of Tai 4H 1 Well
- MPEG-4原理 MPEG-4 principle