- MDA-MB-436细胞系 MDA-MB-436 cell
- MDA-MB-231细胞系 MDA-MB-231 cell line
- 人乳腺癌MDA-MB-231细胞系 human breast cell line MDA-MB-231
- 沈大高速公路 12年间发生交通事故 2 384起,伤亡驾驶员占伤亡总人数的 38. 45% (1 321 /3 436)。 There were 2 384 traffic accidents on this highway during 12 years altogether. Among all the casualties, drivers accounted for (38.45%25) ((1 321/3 436).)
- 细胞系 clone
- 瓜达拉哈拉西班牙中部一城市,位于马德里东北。建于一繁荣的罗马殖民地旧址上。公元714年到1081年被摩尔人占领。人口58,436。 A city of central Spain northeast of Madrid. Built on the site of a flourishing Roman colony,it was held by the Moors from 714 to 1081. Population,58,436.
- MDA-MB-231 MDA-MB-231
- 介绍了TC-436 N/O测定仪的结构、原理及其在真空电子材料中的应用,着重对无氧铜、Cr-Cu合金中的N,O气体含量测定,作了较多的论述。 In this paper, the structure, principle of the TC-436 nitrogan/oxygen determinator and its application in vacuum electron materials research are introduced. The determination of nitride and oxide contents of OFHC copper and Cu-Cr alloy are described especially.
- 白细胞系 leukon
- MDA malondialdehyde (MDA)
- 4-MB 4-MB
- 查塔胡奇河发源于美国佐治亚州北部的河流,流程约702公里(436英里),流向大致为西南向,然后向南在佐治亚州和佛罗里达州的边界流入弗林特河。 Chattahoochee R. is a river rising in northern Georgia and flowing about 702 km (436 mile) generally southwest then south to the Flint River on the Georgia-Florida border.
- MDA含量 MDA content
- U14细胞系 U14 cell line
- MB值 MB values
- MDA模型 multidiscriminate analysis model
- U87细胞系 U87 cell
- MDA驱动 MDA drive