- Logistical Base Command 后勤基地司令部
- Here in Anbar, American bodies are taken first by helicopter to Camp Anaconda, the big logistical base north of Baghdad, and then on to the United States. 在安巴拉,美国人的尸体首先被直升机运到安那康达营房,它是巴格达北部最大的转运基地。然后被送回美国。
- Base Commander : Just send up every available pilot. 基地司令官:把能够出击的飞行部队都出击去!
- Gees, I thought this guy would be nicer than our Base Commander back home. 天啊;我以为这人比躲在基地的司令要好说话.
- Chopper That stupid geezer Base Commander just won't give us a break, will he? 那个傻老爹司令官就是不给我们一点休息时间,我说的对么?
- Unlike ground based command sites that are vulnerable to attack,the E-4B has the mobility to escape direct assault. 不像易受攻击的地面指挥所,E-4B具有躲避直接攻击的机动能力。
- Unlike ground? based command sites that are vulnerable to attack,the E-4B has the mobility to escape direct assault. 不像易受攻击的地面指挥所,E-4B具有躲避直接攻击的机动能力。
- Army Training Control Base Command 陆军训练控制基地司令部
- Inside a high-tech briefing room the equally perky base commander, Colonel Bence, shook my hand enthusiastically. 在配备高科技设备的会议室里,精神抖擞的基地总指挥本斯上校热情地和我握手。
- The orders are to get the rallying of the base commander to Ouakam or neutralization. 命令是有召集基地司令中立化。
- In April 2003, Dalian International Logistics Park (DILP) began its formal operation. Good position and port situation make DILP a superior logistics base. 2003年4月,大连国际物流园正式开园,这个依托大连港口优势和区位优势建立的物流园区目前正在建设、发展的初期。
- United States Army Base Command Okinawa 美驻冲绳陆军基地司令部
- United States Army Northern Ireland Base Command 美国陆军北爱尔兰基地司令部
- "The individuals reported seeing a strange glowing object in the forest," wrote Halt, who was deputy base commander at RAF Bentwaters, adjacent to Woodbridge. “个人看到一个奇怪的发光物体在森林中写道: ”停止,谁是副基地指挥官在英国皇家空军Bentwaters ,毗邻伍德布里奇。
- It is a modern port logistics base (with an annual capacity of 5.5 million tons, ) combining the transportation of bulk cargo, break bulk cargo and containers with transshipment , with an annual capacity of 5.5 million tons (/) . 在未来几年内,该码头计划投资16亿元,建设岸线总长1000米的4个万吨级外海码头、28万平方米库场和18个500吨级泊位的内河港池,形成一个集散货、件杂货、集装箱及海河中转为一体、年吞吐能力550万吨的现代化港口物流基地。
- The Analysis of the Automobile Reverse Logistics Based on the Concepts of Green Logistics. 汽车的绿色逆向物流分析。
- The project hope to take capital as bond, collaborate with copartner to enlarge the platform of logistics base, develop logistics base and electron logistics and co-exploit domestic logistics market. 该项目希望以资本为纽带,与合作者共同做深物流平台,进行基地复制和发展电子物流,共同开发内地物流市场。
- The runner was retired put out at first base. 跑垒者于第一垒上被刺杀出局。
- The runner went to second base on a wild pitch. 一记瞎设让跑垒员跑上了第二垒。
- You cannot enter a military base without a permit. 无通行证者不得擅入军事基地。