- Liu Yong' s Ci 柳永词
- the technique of Liu Yong' s Ci 柳词句法
- Ci and Ouyang Xiu will be Su, Liu Yong, Xin Qiji, such as the word for the comparison study found a series of valuable conclusions. 将苏词与欧阳修、柳永、辛弃疾等的词作进行比较研究,得出了一系列有价值的结论。
- Liu Yong was a native of Wuyi Mountain. 柳永就是武夷山人。
- On How Many Tunes Liu Yong Used? 柳永用调究竟有多少?
- In this cihua, Su Shi criticized Liu Yong's style of Ci, and called for elegant style and poesy.From it we can find the development and change of Ci at that time. 词话中针对柳永的词风俚俗、赋的写法加以批评,主张雅正,主张诗的写法,实际反映了当时词学界提倡词的诗化韵味的艺术准则,可以看出当时词学的发展与变化。
- Liu Yong, a well-known poet of the Southern Song Dynasty. 南宋著名的词人柳永。
- However, our conclusions would be much more evenhanded if we flick away the floating dust of politics, and look at Liu Yong and his Ci poetry more mildly from a literary point of view. 但如果拂去政治的浮尘,较为平和地侧重以文学的眼光去看待柳永、权衡柳词,得出的结论就会比较地趋于公允。
- Liu Yong, the famous Ci poet in Song Dynasty, who had made significant contribution in the Chinese traditional literary history and had far-reaching implication, builds an ethos of Ci. 摘要柳永是开一代词风的宋词名家,曾经为宋词的发展作出过重大的贡献,在文学史上产生过深远的影响。
- Chapter two categorizes Bi-cheng"s Ci and assesses their features and styles. 第二章把碧城词作分门别类,描述碧城词作概貌并分析其风格;
- Liu Yong's Contribution to Song Ci Poem 柳永对宋词的开拓平议
- On Elegance and Vulgarity in Liu Yong's Ci Poems 浅论柳词的俗与雅
- On Trend of Vulgarity in Liu Yong's Ci Poems 浅论柳永词的俗文化倾向
- Ci of Liu Yong under the Tradition of Autumn Moods 悲秋传统中的柳永词
- Li E" s Ci had gained great complishment, not only in the very year, but also in later year, brought about frofound and lasting effection. 厉鹗词取得了很高的艺术成就,在当时和后世都产生了深远的影响。
- The geisha and the propagation of Liu Yong's ci 歌妓与柳永词的传播
- On the Sheng Shou Ci by Yan Shu and Liu Yong 论晏殊与柳永的圣寿词
- This issuance meeting was hosted by Liu Yong,the minister of extending department. 此次新闻发布会由文化推广部部长刘勇主持。
- Liu Yong Nan invited Malay Singing Queen Ning Baizura for a duet last time, attracted everybody's attention. 刘勇男较早前邀得马来天后宁拜祖拉(右)合唱,引起了大家的关注。
- On the writing style of Liu Yong's ci poems 论柳永词的创作风格