- Lie群 Lie group
- 变换Lie群 Lie transformation group
- 偏微分方程组的Lie群与高阶对称群的Taylor多项式逐步精化算法 Taylor Polynomial Stepwise Refinement Algorithm for Lie and High Symmetries of Partial Differential Equations
- 基于Lie群的机器学习理论框架 The study of machine learning theory frame based on Lie group
- 一群 regiment
- RP~n具有Lie群构造的充要条件(英文) The Sufficient and Necessary Condition of RP~n With a Lie Group
- 群组 group
- 一群人 bevy
- 集群 colony
- 二步幂零Lie群上sub-Laplace算子的谱 On Spectrum of the sub Laplacian on Two Step Nilpotent Lie Group
- 群发 mass-sending
- 群名 group name
- 大群 army
- 群论 group theory
- 群集 throng
- 群殴 melee
- 分群 hive off
- 产业集群 industry cluster
- 单纯可迁变换Lie群无穷小生成元的代数性质 On Algebra Properties of Infimtesimal Generarator of Simlicial and Transitive Lie Transformation Group
- 群交 flock-mate