- La:LiNbO_3晶体 Mg:La:LiNbO 3 crystal
- Nd:MgO:LiNbO_3晶体生长及室温自倍频研究 Growth of Nd: MgO: LN Crystal and Its Self-Frequency Doubling at Room Temperatcre
- In:LiNbO_3晶体 Mg:In:LiNbO 3 crystal
- Fe:LiNbO_3晶体 Mn:Fe:LiNbO 3 crystal
- LiNbO_3薄膜 LiNbO3 thin film
- LiNbO_3晶体的CARS谱和CSRS谱 The CARS and CSRS spectra of LiNbO_3 crystal
- LiNbO_3:Fe实时黑白图象假彩色化 Real Time Pseudocoloration of White-Black Images with LiNbO_3:Fe
- LiNbO_3晶体 LiNbO 3 crystal
- 钛扩散LiNbO_3波导定向耦合调制器 Directional Coupler Optical Modulotor Fabricated with Ti-Diffused LiNbO_3 Waveguide
- BaTiO_3晶体 BaTiO 3 crystal
- LiTaO_3晶体 LiTaO 3 crystal
- LiNbO_3波导中切伦科夫辐射型的倍频 SHG Cherenkov Radiation in LiNbO_3 Waveguide
- LiNbO_3及LiTaO_3聚片多畴形成机制 The Formation Mechnism of Periodic Lamina Domains in LiNbO_3 and LiTaO_3
- CsGeCl_3晶体 CsGeCl 3 crystal
- In(OH)3晶体 In(OH)3 crystal
- Ce:Fe:LiNbO_3在红光波段的光折变特性 Photorefractive Properties of Heavily Reduced Ce: Fe: LiNbO_3 at 633 nm
- 固液同成分点组分LiNbO_3紫外吸收边研究 Study of the ultraviolet absorption edge of LiNbO_3 crystal solid-liquid congruent point composition
- KTi2(PO4)3晶体 crystal
- Sr(NO_3)_2晶体 Sr(NO 3 ) 2 crystal
- 退火质子交换LiNbO_3光波导低损耗耦合分析 Low-loss Coupling Analysis of APE LiNbO_3 Waveguides