- Letters for Rejecting a Job 表示拒绝被录用的信
- The postman left a letter for us. 邮递员给我们留下一封信。
- He is just fit for a job as scavenger. 他正好当个清道夫之职。
- I want to know why Tom answers a letter for me. 我想知道为什么汤姆没有给我回信。
- Jim have not hold down a job for more than a year. 没有一份工作吉姆能保住一年。
- I'm going to call the employment agency for a job. 我准备到职业介绍所去找工作。
- Jim has not held down a job for more than a year. 没有一份工作吉姆能保住一年。
- He got three years for pulling a job in Hong Kong. 他因在香港行窃被判刑三年。
- To apply for a job, you must fill out a form. 申请工作要填表。
- He wrote her a letter for fear she misunderstand him. 他给她写了封信,免得她误会。
- I typed a couple of letters for her. 我帮她打了几个字。
- Her affinity for living in California led her to reject a chance to return to New York. 对居住在加利福尼亚的爱好导致她放弃重返纽约的机会。
- He was given a job commensurate with his abilities. 他得到一份与他能力相称的工作。
- Your letter for me might be in care of Kate. 你写给我的信可由凯特转交。
- Would you copy this letter for me, please? 请为我复印一下这封信好吗?
- I am looking for a job with good pay. Can you manage? 我在找一个薪水丰厚的工作。你能安排吗?
- Could you type this letter for me? 你能为我打这封信吗?
- Finally he got a job shifting rails in a factory. 最后他在一家工厂找到一个搬钢轨的工作。
- You can't go to a job interview looking so scruffy! 你求职去面试不能这邋里邋遢的!