- Leray-Schauder延拓定理 Leray-Schauder continuation theorem
- Whitney延拓定理 Whitney continuation theorem
- 区间上拟对称函数的延拓定理 The Extension Theorem of Quasisymmetric Function on the Interval
- 延拓定理 extension theorem
- Lery-Schauder连续定理 Lery-Schauder continuation theorem
- 拓 make rubbing
- Mawhin延拓定理 Mawhin continuation theorem
- Levay-Schauder不动点定理 Levay-Schauder fixed point theorem
- 麦克斯韦方程和波动方程的唯一延拓定理 Unique Continuation Theorem for Maxwell's Equations and Wave Equation
- 拓扑向量空间中实齐性连续函数的延拓定理 The Extension Theorem of Continuous Homogeneous Functions in Real Topological Vector Spaces
- 对于向下延拓更完善的论述所需要的数学已越出本书的范围。 The mathematics required for more sophisticated treatment of downward continuation is beyond the level of this book.
- 延拓算子 continuation operator
- 解析延拓 analytic continuation
- 真延拓 true prolongation
- 延拓类 extension category
- 延拓群 prolongation group
- 延拓法 continuation method
- 唯一延拓 Unique continuation
- 延拓方法 continuation method
- 延拓理论 continuation theory