- 为什么77号和93号航班的情报没有被及时地传到NORAD的原因更不清楚。 Why information about Flights 77 and 93 did not reach NORAD in a timely fashion is less clear.
- 该代表进一步指出IFRRO在整合这些资金方面经验丰富,例如,在挪威通过NORAD开展的活动。 The Representative further said that IFRRO had good experiences of combining such funding, for instance, in Norway through the activities of NORAD.
- 尽管联邦航空局和NORAD(北美防空指挥部)在恐怖袭击之后从委员会那里收到安全停飞的指示,但许多问题依然存在。 Although the Federal Aviation Administration and NORAD, the North American Aerospace Defense Command, received kudos from the commission for shutting down the aviation system safely after the terror attacks, many questions remain.