- Late Yuan and Early Ming 师子林
- There were various extant block-printed editions of it published under the Yuan and early Ming dynasties. 现存有元代与明前期的各种仿宋刻本或重刻本。
- the Yuan and early Ming Dynasties 元代至明初
- Content: There appeared several poet crowds during the period from the late Yuan Dynasty to the early Ming Dynasty, in which the Wuzhong crowd was the most prosperous one. 元末明初文学呈地域分布态势,其中以吴中尤为特出。
- Studied Sung and early Ming pottery and architecture in China. 研究中国宋代和明初的陶艺和建筑。
- late Yuan early Ming 元末明初
- Rose Rutabaga was first made in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties. 玫瑰大头菜创始于明末清初,以鲜嫩芥菜为主料,用红糖、盐、饴糖、老白酱油等腌制。
- You're (up) bright and early today! 你今天真早哇!
- That comes to two yuan and fifty fen. 合计两元五角。
- It is seventeen yuan and fifty cents. 十七块五。
- Zhang Jian and the Iron and Steel Industry in Late Qing Dynasty and Early Ming Dynasty of China 张謇与清末民初钢铁业
- Here is ten yuan and keep the change. 这是找给你的十元钱。
- Girl: One yuan and eight mao per jin. 女孩:一块八毛钱一斤。
- Fish is two yuan and a half a kilo. 鱼肉每公斤两元五。
- Mike: How about one yuan and six mao per jin? 一块六毛钱一斤可以吗?
- Let's get up bright and early and drive down to Devon. 让我们一大早就起身驱车去德文郡。
- One yuan and twenty fen five minutes. 五分钟一块二。
- Catholicism spread in China during the late Ming and early Qing periods. 明末清初,天主教传入我国,并大力劝化世人信奉之。
- Yes. These are five yuan and six jiao a kg. 售货员 : 有,这些是5元6角一公斤。