- Lamproptera curia walkeri n. 燕凤蝶华南亚种
- Lamproptera curia curia n. 燕凤蝶指名亚种
- Lamproptera curia n. 燕凤蝶
- The ryegrass smut caused by Tilletia walkeri L. 黑麦草腥黑粉病菌(Tilletia walkeri L.
- Book online the cheapest hotels in Curia - low prices and high discounts. 网上预定在 Curia 最便宜的酒店 - 价格优惠折扣多多。
- Curia, whether the General Assembly, or upper house seats are not civilians. 无论是库里亚大会,还是元老院都没有平民的席位。
- Early Roman society and political organizations in the clan as a unit curia. 罗马早期社会的政治组织以氏族和库里亚为单位。
- A tribunal of the Roman Curia having jurisdiction in matters relating to penance, dispensations, and papal absolutions. 宗教裁判所罗马天主教中有权处理悔罪、补赎和赦罪等事宜的元老会法庭
- Thus no one could belong to the Roman people unless he was a member of a gens and through it of a curia and a tribe. 这样,只有身为氏族成员,并且通过自己的氏族而为库里亚成员和部落成员的人,才能属于罗马人民。
- City in the early days of land based Roman curia for the clans and to average the distribution of the collective. 在建城之初,罗马人的土地是以氏族和库 里亚为集体进行平均分配的。
- King may also be with his attendants and supporters to attend the General Assembly curia, or senate meeting. 国王也可能带着他的侍从和支持者出席库里亚大会,甚至元老院会议 。
- As we have said, ten gentes formed a phratry, which among the Romans was called a curia and had more important public functions than the Greek phratry. 我们已经说过,10个氏族构成一个胞族,胞族在这里叫作库里亚,它有着比希腊胞族更重要的社会职能。
- Another frequently voiced complaint is that he has failed to get a grip on the Roman Curia, the central administration of the church. 另一个经常听到的抱怨,是他未能掌握罗马教廷和教会的中央行政管理职权。
- Breaking through the ristictions from the emperor and curia, the army exerted great impact on the political life of the country. 军队势力突破了元首、元老院的限制,在国家政治生活中起着举足轻重的作用。
- A day, a founding member that takes curia newly comes the theater watchs a show, search to search, found Xisailuo beside. 一天,一位新进元老院的元老来剧场看表演,找来找去,找到了西塞罗身边。
- Curia members only citizens can participate in the General Assembly, and through the General Assembly to exercise their civic and political rights. 只有库里亚成员才能参加公民大会 ,并通过公民大会行使其政治权利的。
- Under John Paul the Curia acquired a string of new “pontifical councils”, quasi-ministries that deal with everything from health workers to canon law. 在约翰保罗时代教廷获得一系列新的“主教理事会”,准部委处理一切从卫生工作者到教会法的事务。
- He refused to interfere in the internal jurisdiction of a family so jealous of its privacy but chose instead to find out in secret about my father's family through the curia. 他知道我母亲的家庭很重视脸面,所以没有选择直接干涉家庭内部事务,而是秘密通过宗教法庭调查了我父亲的家庭情况。
- Basically, a new rating, called Papal Influence was created and the bigger the rating, the bigger the chances of a nation’s cardinal to be promoted to the curia. 基本上,新的评级,呼叫教皇的影响和创建更大的评级,更大的一个国家的大是大非的机会晋升为教廷。
- Liberals and conservatives alike agree that John Paul's talents distracted attention from the fact that the Curia had failed to adapt to a fast-changing world. 自由派和保守派都认为,JohnPaul智囊没有注意到这个事实,即教廷已经不能迅速适应变化的世界。