- LU-SGS隐式时间积分 LU-SGS implicit time integration
- LU-SGS隐式积分 LU-SGS implicit integration
- LU-SGS隐式积分方法 Lower-Upper SymmetricGauss-Seidel (LU-SGS) implicit integration method
- 隐式时间积分 implicit time integration
- 研究了将二维非结构三角形网格重新排序后,用LU SGS隐式算法计算Euler方程的方法。 The method for two-dimension Euler equation computation, which used implicit LU-SGS approximate factorization scheme after two-dimension unstructured triangle grids reordered, was discussed in this paper.
- 显式时间积分 explicit integration method
- 非结构网格中LU-SGS隐式算法的非平衡性影响 Effects of imbalance of LU-SGS implicit algorithm using unstructured grid
- 时间积分声光相关器光学结构的设计 Optical Architecture Design of Time-Integrating Acoustic-Optical Correlator
- 显式时间积分算法 explicit time integration algorithm
- 圆式时间观念 cyclic view of time
- LU-SGS隐式算法 LU - SGS implicit method
- 非线性非完整转动相对论系统的时间积分定理 Time-integral theorems for nonlinear nonholonomic rotational relativistic systems
- 线式时间观念 linear view of time
- 沈从文小说螺旋式时间结构 Spiral Time Structure of Shen Congwen's Novels
- 在非结构网格中用LU SGS隐式算法求解欧拉方程时,两个近似分解因子的项数可能相等,为平衡; Solving the Euler equation with LU-SGS implicit algorithm on unstructured grids, mesh reordering will bring on imbalance.
- 场模拟计算中求解偶合方程的一种半隐式算法<此系列中还有SIMPLER SIMPLE
- 交替方向隐式法 alternating-direction implicit method
- 隐式的 implied
- 隐式域 hidden field
- 隐式化 implicitization