- LTM-8000模块 LTM-8000 module
- 模块 module
- 模块化 modularize
- 利勃海尔LTM系列移动式起重机 A mobile crane from Liebherr's LTM series
- 采用PC机作上位机,新型智能LTM-8000系列“一线总线”采集模块作下位机,数字温度传感器DS18B20做测温电缆,设计出一种全数字化粮情测控系统。 A fully digital measurement and control system for grain situation is carried out with a pc as regulating nucleus,a new intelligent "1 wire "collecting module LTM-800 series as subnode,and with temperature sensor DS18B20 made up for a cable of moisture measurement.
- 功能模块 functional module
- LTM-电信公司所做工作:在莫桑比克,为公司的质量体系提供咨询顾问服务。 LTM - telecommunications company WORK PERFORMED: Consultancy services to the quality system, MOZAMBIQUE.
- 而Adaptive Server Anywhere LTM只将已提交的更改发送到Replication Server。 By contrast, the Adaptive Server Anywhere LTM sends only committed changes to Replication Server.
- 电源模块 power module
- Adaptive Server Enterprise LTM在提交数据更改之前会先将它们发送到Replication Server。 The Adaptive Server Enterprise LTM sends data changes to the Replication Server before they are committed.
- 模块化设计 building block design
- 控制模块 control module
- 因为事务日志的格式不同,所以不能以Adaptive Server Anywhere LTM替换Adaptive Server Enterprise LTM。 You cannot substitute an Adaptive Server Anywhere LTM for an Adaptive Server Enterprise LTM since the transaction logs have different formats.
- 子模块 submodule
- Adaptive Server Anywhere LTM支持插入、更新和删除操作的复制,以及Transact-SQL方言存储过程调用的复制。 The Adaptive Server Anywhere LTM supports replication of inserts, updates, and deletes, as well as replication of Transact-SQL dialect stored procedure calls.
- 模块化的 modularized
- 通信模块 communication module
- 显示模块 display module
- 模块的 modular
- 接口模块 interface module