- LD转炉炼钢法 Linz-Donawitz process
- 这种方法现在已成了最重要的炼钢法,现在被称为氧气碱性转炉炼钢法(bos炼钢法)。 This process has now become the most important method of making steel, and is now known as the BOS process.
- LD转炉动态控制CRM模型 The CRM Model for Dynamic Control of LD Converter
- 法 law
- 无法 unable
- LD转炉 LD converter
- LD转炉冶炼的静态数学模型的系统开发 System Development of Static Mathematical Model of LD Converter
- 后来柏塞麦炼钢法的改进使极高的高层建筑的建造成为可能。 The refinement of the Bessemer process for making steel (lighter and stronger than iron) made extremely tall buildings possible.
- 音平化渣技术在LD转炉操作中的应用 Application of Sound Controlling Slag Technology in Operation of LD Converter
- 说法 statement
- 转炉炼钢高压吹氧枪头紫铜与低碳钢异种金属的焊接工艺 The Welding Technology between Red Copper and Low Carbon Steel Profile in Pressure-oxygen Gun of Steel-Smelting Converter
- 输入法 input method
- 除法 division
- 提高转炉炼钢生产率的实践 Practice on Increasing Converter steel-making Productivity
- 分析法 analytical method
- 商法 commercial law
- 转炉 converter
- 顶枪喷煤粉炼钢法; Arbed lance carbon injection process, ALCI;
- 50吨及以上超高功率电炉(配备炉外精炼和连铸)、50吨及以上转炉炼钢 50 Tons and over super high power electric furnace process (with out-of-furnace refining and continuous casting) and 50 tons and over converting process
- 宾夕法尼亚 Pennsylvania