- 改进型高稳定度LC振荡电路的研究 Study on improved LC oscillator circuits with high stability
- 用于调频式电涡流传感器的高稳定性LC振荡电路 High Stability LC-Oscillator Circuit for Frequency Modulation Eddy Current Sensors
- LC振荡电路 LC oscillator circuit
- 用于调频式电感传感器的高稳定性LC振荡电路 A High Stability LC-oscillator for Inductive Sensors Based on Frequency Modulation
- LC振荡 LC oscillating circuit
- 线性负电阻构成的新型LC振荡演示器 LC oscillator demonstrator with linear negative-resistance
- LC振荡回路模拟FSR短路开断试验 Emulation of FSR short-circuit break test with LC oscillation circuitry
- 振荡电路 periodic circuit
- 具时滞的非线性振荡电路的微分差分方程 On a Differential--difference Equation of Nonlinear Oscillator with Time-lag
- 石英谐振靶基因组合检测仪振荡电路的研究 Oscillation circuit of a quartz crystal microbalance-based geneanalyzer
- 闭合振荡电路 closed oscillation circuit
- 并联振荡电路 parallel oscillatory circuit
- 皮尔斯振荡电路 Pierce oscillator circuit
- 反振荡电路 antihunting circuit
- 防振荡电路 antihunt circuit
- 非振荡电路 non-oscillatory circuit
- 通路振荡电路 [电] closed oscillation circuit
- 宽带振荡电路 wide-band oscillating circuit
- 振荡电路线圈 tank coil
- 参数器振荡电路 paraloc