- L-模糊远域系 L-fuzzy remote neighborhood system
- L-模糊远域空间与L-余模糊拓扑空间 L-fuzzy remote neighborhood space and L-co-fuzzy topology space
- L-预远域系算子 L-pre-R-neighborhood System Operator
- 系 system
- 远 remote
- 模糊 vague
- 邻域系 neighborhood system
- 模糊的 hazy
- L-smooth远域 remote neighborhood
- 院系 department
- 远的 distant
- 系上 to buckle up
- 不远 near
- 模糊地 faintly
- 域中 inside the country
- 系带 chalaza
- 最远的 farmost
- 中文系 department of Chinese language and literature
- 模糊查询 fuzzy query
- 时域 time domain