- L-型电压门控钙通道 L-type voltage-gated calcium channels
- 电压门控钙通道 vollage-dependent calcium channel
- 细胞膜电压门控钙离子通道蛋白质结构、系统发育分析及应用 Protein Structure and Phylogenesis of Voltage-gated Calcium Channels on the Cell Membrane and its Application
- 疏肝饮具有抑制大鼠结肠平滑肌收缩的作用,机制可能涉及通过阻断电压门控钙通道(VDC)、受体操纵性钙通道(ROC)和钙库调控性钙通道(SOC)抑制胞外Ca2+内流,同时涉及抑制胞内Ca2+的释放。 The inhibitory effect of the extract from SGY on contractility of isolated rat colonic smooth muscle strips may be associated with blocking VDC,ROC and SOC to prevent the calcium influx as well as to prevent the release of intracellular calcium.
- 基于基波正序计算方法的串联型电压调节器 Study on Series Voltage Regulator Based on New Fundamental-Positive Sequence Calculation Method
- 间接电压门控的配体门控钙通道 ligand-gating Ca2+channel with indirect voltage gating
- 本型电压互感器为全封闭结构。一、二次绕组及铁芯均浇注在环氧树脂内,绝缘性能优良,耐潮湿。 The voltage transformer is fully enclosed structure. The primary and secondary windings and iron core are insulated by epoxy resin. It has a good ability of insulation and moisture proof.
- L-型钙通道阻断剂对曲马多镇痛作用的影响 Effects of L-type calcium channel blockers on tramadol-induced analgesia in mice
- 本型电压互感器为外铁芯半封闭结构。一、二次绕组均浇注在环氧树脂内,绝缘性能优良,耐潮湿。 The voltage transformer is outside iron core and semi enclosed.The primary and secondary windings are insulated by epoxy resin. It has a good ability of insulation and moisture proof.
- 门控 gating
- 电压门控 Voltage-Gated
- 参麦注射液和氨茶碱对大鼠膈肌细胞L型钙通道的影响 Effect of Shenmai Injection and Aminophylline on L-type Calcium Current of Diaphragmatic Muscle in Rats
- 分析了传光型电压互感器的系统组成,给出了以电容分压器测量电压的电子式电压互感器的原理和设计方法,论述了电子式电压互感器的优点和性能。 It analyses the light-transmission type system components of voltage transformer, gives the principle and method of designing measuring voltage based on capacitive voltage divider, and elaborates the advantage and function of electronic voltage transformers.
- 钙通道拮抗剂 calcium channel blocker
- 伪门控 pseudo-gating
- 缬沙坦对心力衰竭大鼠心肌细胞钙通道和钠-钙交换体电流的影响 Effect of valsartan on calcium channel current and sodium-calcium exchanger current in heart failure rats
- 基于模拟退火与合并代价反标的低功耗门控时钟布线算法 Power-Aware Gated Clock Routing with Merging Cost Backward Annotation Using Simulated Annealing Method
- 钙通道阻滞药/药理学 calm channel blockers/PD
- 门控矩阵 gating matrix
- 钙通道阻滞剂降压治疗进展 Progress of antihypertensive treatment with calcium channel blocker