- L(-)-α-苯乙胺 cubane-like photodimer of carboxylic 2-naphthoate
- R-α-苯乙胺 R-a-phenylethylamine
- 4-甲氧基苯乙胺 4-methnxy phenethylamine
- 三乙胺 triethylamine
- 乙胺 ethylamine
- 不对称还原苯乙酮酸甲酯的生物转化菌种选育及条件优化 Screening and mutagenesis of strains for asymmetry reduction of phenyl gyoxilic methyl ester and optimizing conditions of biotransformation
- 苯乙酮酸 phenylglyoxylic acid
- 苯乙胺 phenethylamine
- 苯乙酰基 phenylacetic group
- 四乙胺 tetraethylammonium
- 苯乙哌啶酮一种非巴比妥酸盐镇静剂和催眠药,C13H15NO2 A nonbarbiturate sedative and hypnotic drug, C13H15NO2.
- 氨基苯乙酰乙胺 aminoethy-lacetanilide
- 氯化三乙胺 alkylamine chloroaluminates
- α-溴苯乙酮 α-Bromoacetophenone
- 苯噻庚乙胺 zotepine
- 帕米尔红景天中对羟基苯乙酮成分的提取分离及其含量测定 Abstraction and Assaying of p-Hydroxyacetophenone from Rhadiola Pamiro-alaica A.Bor
- 乙胺(EA) ethylamine
- α-甲基苯乙腈 α - Methylbenzylcyanide
- 羟苯乙胺 oxyphenonium
- N-甲基乙胺 N - methylethylamine