- 四氢小檗碱衍生物86035对豚鼠心室肌L型钙通道的抑制作用 Inhibitory action of CPU86035 on L-type calcium current in single ventricular myocyte of guinea pig
- 异丙酚对兔未成熟心室肌细胞动作电位及L型钙通道电流的影响 Effects of propofol on action potential and L-type calcium current of immature cardiac myocytes in bunnies
- 海马长时程增强中一氧化氮变化与L型钙通道和神经细胞黏附分子的关系 Correlation of the changes of nitric oxide production during hippocampal long term potentiation with L-calcium channel and neural cell adhesion molecule
- L型钙通道阻滞剂 L-type calcium channel antagonist
- 自发高血压大鼠肥厚心肌L型钙通道电流变化及与左室肥厚的关系 The change of L-type calcium channel current of hypertrophied myocardium and its relation with the left ventricular hypertrophy in spontaneously hypertensive rat
- L型钙离子流 L-type calcium current
- L型胺基酸 an L-amino acid.
- L型物体 L-extrusion Object
- L-钙通道电流 L-calcium currents
- 上皮型钙黏蛋白复合体在膀胱移行细胞癌中的表达及意义 Expression and clinical significance of E-cadherin-catenin complex in human transitional cell carcinoma of bladder
- L型阵列 L-shape array
- L型钙电流 L-type calcium current
- L型楼板 L - shaped floorslab
- T型钙电流 T-type calcium current
- 细茵L型 L -type bacteria
- 上皮型钙黏素 E-cadherin
- L型水封 L- type water seal
- 上皮型钙粘素 E-cadherin
- L型体量 L-shaped volume
- L-型电压门控钙通道 L-type voltage-gated calcium channels