- Korean field mouse n. 朝鲜姬鼠
- The tiny, black , frightened field mouse showed up in my back yard. (一只小的、黑的、令人害怕的田鼠,在我的后院出现。)
- Besides being a propagandist, the Field Mouse was also a literary man of sorts. 地老鼠不单单是个宣传家,他还会写文章哩。
- Hawks eat not only chickens but also field mice. 鹰不仅吃小鸡也吃田鼠。
- Eagles not only eat chickens but also field mice. 老鹰不仅吃小鸡,而且也吃田鼠。
- We had entered after dark and while some militiamen took up outposts on the heights above the village, the Field Mouse, Mr. 我们天黑时进村,民兵们在村子的一些制高点布了岗。
- Another time, Tou Mali sent his chief gunmen with a couple of henchmen to ambush the Field Mouse. 还有一次,窦马利派他的主要射手和几个打手去伏击地老鼠。
- Originally, Tou Mali had a much stronger force, but the Field Mouse had whittled it down. 窦马利的势力原来比较强,但是,后来被地老鼠给削弱了不少。
- Not only these two women, but many other villagers had also leagued up with the Field Mouse. 同地老鼠站在一起的不仅仅是这两个妇女,还有村里其他许多人。
- But the Field Mouse, I knew, had much experience and knew the country better than any soldier. 然而,我却知道,地老鼠很有经验,比任何一位战士都更了解这里的情况。
- Winged lords of northern forests, the big raptors fly noiselessly, hunt in light and dark, and can hear a field mouse stir under the snow. 北部的森林的空中统治者,无声飞行的大型猛禽,白天黑夜都可觅食,还可以听到大雪下一个田鼠的些许动静。
- Some scholars regarded it as a subspecies or a synonym of dragon field mouse (A.draco),while other scholars considered it a valid species. 有的认为它是中华姬鼠 (A draco)的一个亚种 ,而有的认为是一个独立的种。
- A sleepy field mouse opened his eyes in his den deep underground.With a twitch of his nose, he scampered up the passageway to the surface. 一只困倦的田鼠,他一直深藏在地下的洞穴里,这时他睁开了眼,鼻子微微颤动了一下,然后沿着坑道一路奔跑,他来到了地面上。
- "An unfilial son," they remarked bitterly.The Field Mouse reiterated his previous statement."There is nothing personal in my actions. 地老鼠重申他以前说过的那句话:“我不能徇私情。
- When the Field Mouse plugged the chief gunman, the other two turned their hats around in token of surrender and gave up their arms. 地老鼠打中了那个主要射手,另外两个人把帽子倒过来戴上,表示投降,最后缴了枪。
- It found the trail of rabbit, field mouse, fox and wolf, but it was so eager to catch a big animal that it gave up them. 飞了很久很久,大地上有野兔、田鼠、狐狸和狼的踪迹,他想,即使捉到这些也不能显示自己的能力。
- The night was frosty and ringingly icy.The Field Mouse ran straight for a village where his faithful grandmother awaited him with a suit of peasant clothing. 那是一个滴水成冰的夜晚,地老鼠直朝一个村子跑去,忠心的老奶奶带着一套农民衣服正在那里等着他。
- So disguised and with the captured member of the corps now fully dressed and in their ranks as a further aid to dissimulation, the Field Mouse set out deeper into enemy territory. 村民们指点唐向东走。他们所到的第二个村子恰好是唐部下一个名叫平泽的民兵的家乡。因为全村都知道平泽是八路的民兵,所以,他在黑暗中迅速地躲到一个朋友家里去了。
- The species ranged from tiny field mice to the 100-pound capybara from Brazil. 物种范围从很小部分的老鼠到产自巴西的100磅重的水豚。
- The field artillery pounded away at the for tress. 野战炮兵连续炮击那座要塞。