- Kobresia robusta n. 粗壮嵩草
- Cavendish clone resembling the Robusta. 卡文迪什一个克隆相似;粗壮.
- Kobresia humilis often form "loop" genet with increasing age of clonal genet. 随着无性系株丛年龄的增大,矮嵩草常形成"环"状株丛。
- Arabica is one species within the genus of coffee (robusta is another species). 阿拉伯咖啡是咖啡豆的一种(烈性咖啡是另一种)。
- The coffee blend is almost always made up of both Arabica and Robusta. 咖啡的拼配几乎都包含“阿拉比卡种咖啡”和“罗巴斯特种咖啡”。
- Robusta longer the leaves, ovate or condyloma was soft, light green color. 罗巴斯达的树叶较长,呈软卵形或尖形,颜色亮绿。
- Liffe robusta coffee futures contract, one of the world's benchmark coffee prices. 罗布斯塔咖啡价格是全球咖啡基准价格之一。
- Few researches had been conducted on Kobresia meadow in Mt.Helan region.Based on investigation of sampling plots, alpine meadow in Mt. 摘要在群落调查的基础上,对贺兰山高山草甸进行数量分析。
- A blend of outstanding qualities of Robusta and Arabica, very much appreciated for its intense aroma, sweet and equilibrated taste. 它是两种高品质的罗布斯塔咖啡和阿拉比卡咖啡混合成的,人们喜欢它的浓烈的香味跟甜味的恰到好处的综合感觉。
- All of this study proved that phenological index was a good quantitative standard to show phenological pattern of alpine Kobresia humilis meadow. 研究结果表明,物候指数是说明高寒矮嵩草草甸物候模式的一个有用指标。
- In the same developing time,different temperature affects on sprouting numbers and dropping numbers of Hydra robusta. 同一发育时间内;温度的不同影响水螅出芽数和脱落芽体数.
- I found from the Internet:the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau fit to plant Kobresia pygmaea, Carex pseudo foelide,Stipa purea, etc. 我从网上查到:青藏高原适合种植高山蒿草,无味苔草,紫花针茅等植物。
- The two commercially significant species of coffee beans are: coffea arabica, and coffea robusta. 商业上熟知的两种咖啡豆是:阿拉比卡豆和罗伯斯特豆。
- The ideal combination of natural and washed Robusta, sweetened with a velvety touch of Arabica. 这种咖啡是由天然的与清洗过的罗布斯塔咖啡混合而成的。味道香甜却不矢阿拉比卡咖啡的柔软感觉。
- The numbers and aboveground diomass of every module of Kobresia humilis under different grazing intehsity(0, 2.4, 8 Tibetan sheep/hm2 ) were studied in Alpine Meadow. 对放牧强度分别为0、2、4、8(藏羊只/hm2)的矮嵩草无性系各构件数量和地上生物量进行了研究。
- Additionally, the crema enhancing aspects of Robusta can be found in Arabica coffee as long as the Arabica coffee is used within three to four days after roasting. 此外,只要使用刚刚烘焙后3-4天的“阿拉比卡种咖啡”,其咖啡油脂也可以与经过“罗巴斯特种咖啡”强化的咖啡油脂相媲美。
- Zhou Xingmin,Zhang Songlin.Change state of community structure and biomass in fenced area of Kobresia humilis meadows[J].Acta Biological Plateau Sinica,1986,(5):1-6. [6]周兴民;张松林.;矮嵩草草甸在封育条件下群落结构和生物量变化的初步观察[J]
- As to “robusta” and gardenii, Brian Tarr will also tell you that their stem colour is never an indication of what their flower colour will be. 不同的桃色花品种彼此杂交或与黄花品种杂交后会产生不同色度的桃色花品种,这与黄花兰之间的区别大不相同,又怎么能用1系或2系去描述它们呢?
- Objective To evaluate the repellent effect of two traditional plant repellents Artemesia argi and Eucalypus robusta on mosquitoes in Yunnan. 目的了解和评价云南民间常用植物驱蚊剂蒿芝、按树枝叶对现场驱蚊虫效果。方法在人房以植物燃烧熏蚊后,采用诱蚊灯观察人房蚊虫种群密度。
- This price is frequently a differential price(4) based on the New York “C” Market for arabica and London LIFFE Market for robusta. 这个价格经常是以阿拉比卡纽约C市场和罗布斯塔伦敦LIFFE市场为基础的一个差价。