- Kinoshita Hiroo 木下博生(1932-),日本人,官员。
- In 1974, Hiroo Onoda, a lieutenant in the Imperial Japanese Army, was discovered in the Philippines. 一九七四年,日本皇军中尉小野田弘男在菲律宾被发现。
- In a statement signed by Messrs.Watanabe Kinoshita and Toyoda the company declined to respond to specific questions. 在这份由渡边捷昭、木下光男和丰田章男共同署名的声明中,丰田汽车拒绝回答具体质疑。
- JianbaTarget archery competition with a general square and round two.Jianba increase Hiroo straw or other suitable material. 助弓的弹力将箭射出,在一定的距离内比赛准确性的体育运动项目,为射箭运动。
- The Atlanta Falcons have signed wide receiver-return specialist NORIAKI KINOSHITA, a native of Osaka, Japan, the club announced today. 亚特兰大猎鹰队日前宣布,他们签下了日本球员木下典明(Noriaki Kinoshita)。木下出生于大阪,在球队中司职外接手和回攻手。
- In 2007, Kinoshita led NFL Europa with a 15.9-yard punt-return average and ranked third with a 23.2-yard kickoff-return average. 2007赛季,木下以平均每次弃踢回攻15.;9码列欧洲联赛榜首,并以平均每次开球回攻23
- Wang HY , Kinoshita Y,Hassan MS , et al .Developmental gene expression of gastrin receptor in rat stomach[J] .Regul Pepl , 1997 , 70:183 .. 黄东明;扬华姿;高建慧;等.;微量喂养对早产儿血中胃泌素、胃动素水平的影响[J]
- Kunugita N,Kohshi K,Kinoshita Y,et al.Radiotherapy after hyperbaric oxygenation improves radioresponse in experimental tumor models[J].Cancer Lett,2001; 164(2):149. 方女画;杨波;何俏军.;乏氧条件下肿瘤细胞的耐药机制及肿瘤治疗策略[J]
- Until late last year it appeared to be a horse race for the presidency between Mr. Toyoda and Mr. Kinoshita 63 the right-hand man to Mr. Watanabe the current president. 直到去年年底,丰田章男和木下光男在总裁的竞争中还难分高下。现年63岁的木下光男是丰田现任总裁渡边捷昭的得力助手。
- However, with the exception of Toyota Chapter M, another non-Toyota family, the current Executive Vice President Mitsuo Kinoshita is also the president of one of the candidates. 不过,除丰田章男外,另一位非丰田家族的现任执行副总裁木下光男也是其中的总裁候选人。
- Suihua of white cotton pure Hiroo understandable as the best choice.We can in the living room restaurant tables coffee table sofa cloth on the use of a large number of products as embellishment. 公司拥有先进的制作设备和一批与时俱进的设计制作师,为你单位缔造和谐的布艺产品,公司以质量求生存,以信誉求发展,制作精细,产品新颖。
- Dr. Isami Kinoshita, Professor in Department of Landscape Architecture, Chiba University, Japan has kindly agreed to be the conference keynote speaker in Day 3 (Play and Changing Environments). 我们很荣幸获日本千叶大学园艺学部木下勇教授答允为本会议第三天(游戏与环境变迁)的主题演讲嘉宾。
- In the rein of Ozu Yasujiro and Kinoshita Keisuke, two of his precursors at the Shochiku Studio, Yamada Yoji has been particularly keen on portraying the lives of Japanese families. 与小津安二郎、木下惠介同属松竹片厂的山田,跟两位前辈大师一样,对日本家庭的描写最感兴趣。
- Although less known to foreign audiences and critics comparing to such fellow filmmakers as Kurosawa and Mizoguchi, Kinoshita Keisuke is in fact a more famous household figure in his native country. 故事描写一名母亲独力把两名儿女抚养成人,不惜从事黑市买卖,甚至出卖肉体,但儿女们却毫无感激之心,母亲最后只好以自杀了却残生。
- Inferior head resection of the pancreas Toshio Nakagohri,Taira Kinoshita,Masaru Konishi,Kazuto Inoue,Takehide Asano 胰头癌根治性切除的手术方法探讨彭俊平,胡勇,赵平,刘爱祥,刘宝善
- K. Hara, T. Horiguchi, T. Kinoshita, K. Sayama, H. Sugihara,H.Arakawa, Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 64 ,115 (2000 查丁壬汇编,“认识太阳能电池”中华太阳能联谊会,2003
- Hiroo n. 广尾(在日本;东经 143º17' 北纬 42º17')
- 14 Kinoshita T, Takahashi M. A supplementary report on genes responsible for pubescence of glumes and leaves in rice plants. 13何平;沈利爽;陆朝福;等.;水稻花药培养力的遗传分析及基因定位
- Mukōyama Hiroo 向山宽夫(1914-),日本人,法学教授、律师。
- Shinomura Y,Kinoshita K,Tsutsui S,Hirota S.Pathophysiology,diagnosis,and treatment of gastrointestinal stromal tumors.J Gastroenterol 2005; 马大烈;白辰光.;胃肠道间质瘤的病理诊断和预后